Angelas bedroom

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Angela was in her bed, watching what seemed to be like a kids tv show until she head a sudden BANG erupting from her door.

''Who's there?!'' Angela screamed

''... ''

No answer.


Suddenly, someone appeared, someone a different specie than Angela. Angela screamed but then was quickly punched really hard by this different somebody, it all went black.

In a quick flash, she woke up in a black basement, tied up in a chair. ''SOMEBODY HELP, SOMEBODY HEEEEEEEELP.''

''Can you shut the fuck up bitch , your so annoying''

As soon as Angela heard the noise, she quickly looked over. it seemed too be a 7 foot tall ass monster with what seemed too have big testicles. But suddenly, she started feeling this weird sensation. It was as if butterflies erupted in her stomach, sending shivers too her body. She looked at the monster and sure enough they were both staring at each other. The monster stared at her, but with big eyes, as if he were feeling the same emotions she was!

''Fuck he's so hawt'' Angela thought to herself, but quickly shook of the emotions as the monster slowly started walking to her.

''Come closer zaddy'' Angela whispered too herself, biting her lip sensually.

As if it were perfectly timed, a song came up. 🎶I don't wanna be your friend i wanna kiss you on the lips, i wanna kiss you until I lose my breath🎶

Angela looked over too see who put on the music, and it was barney!

''Your time is almost at an end, Angela.'' The monster said, and Angela thought his voice sounded so hot.

''Then punish me zaddy''

Vecna heard what she said, and pick her up, throwing her on the bed and unbuckling his belt.

''Guess this is going too be a long night'' Angela thought to herself, smiling.

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