It's flowers! Do you like them?

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Reyon entered the bedroom hesitantly. She closed the door but didn't lock it. She used the restroom. She was in deep thought staring at herself in the mirror. She was holding the sink tightly. She splashed water on her face a couple of this. But still, her feelings weren't stable. Something was wrong with her. She liked Carlos as a Celeb but this...She started crying for some unknown reason. It's not like something's gonna happen but Carlos is someone who...She doesn't know. She wiped and splashed water a couple of more times.
She went out of the restroom. Carlos was making the bed.

Seeing her, " oh, you're here. Your bed is ready. You can sleep."
She saw, yellow bedding. It had white flowers. She loves flowers and yellow. But is Carlos supposed to know all that?

Her voice was timid, " Where will (gulp)--will you sleep?"
Carlos had to process that for a second and then he laughed hard. He wiped a tear due to laughing. 
" Don't ( laughs) Don't worry! I'll sleep on the couch!"
Glancing at the couch, and then at him, " But it's not big enough. You take the bed. I'll use the couch."
He smiled, " Wait. Let me show you."
Saying this, he pulled the couch and transformed it into a bed.
He smirked looking at her off-guard reaction. " Happy?"
He chuckled, "Rachel would buy transformable things."
Reyon couldn't stop smiling for some relief in the tense moment. 
Carlos grabbed a blanket, covered it up to his chin, and wished, " Goodnight, buddy!"
She laughed, " Buddy?!"
Carlos gushed, " You heard me! Thanks for everything. Even if I say it out loud, it's not enough to thank you"
Then he yawned, " Goodnight buddy!"
She pushed some hair behind and whispered loud enough to let him hear, " Goodnight buddy."
Then suddenly she exclaimed, " But the lights are on?!"
Carlos smiled. Then he clapped his hands and the light was out.
Carlos heard her saying, " Woah..."
Both of them. Both of them felt comfortable and warm around each other. The reason was known to one and unknown to another.

                                                                          In Carlos's diary:

"2010.  Noises of students, bi-cycles, footsteps and skating are heard everywhere at Stanford University. Some students in their senior years were seen spray painting at the skate area. Beautiful images, not pollution. Spray bottle sounds are heard loudly. But my heart is sinking. I can hear wave sounds washing me over and over again fiercely. I can only hear a slap echoing inside my head. Loud enough to make me leave my home. So loud that I was thrown into the sky and dropped at San Jose from Harvey, North Dakota. I entered the English class in the second year. I coughed to take the nervousness away. The teacher looked at me and I entered the class. There were lots of empty seats. The teacher introduced me.
" He is Carlos Louis Aidan. He is a transfer student from Harvey University.  So you will be friends with him for the next 4 years. Go seat there."
 The class was almost 15 minutes ongoing when a girl cracked open the door loudly. She looked at the teacher who was glaring at her. She smirked looking at him. She didn't the eye contact till she sat beside me. How cocky and rude. 
" Reyon Darlina Beckett. You're late. You don't need to be here, so please go out if you want to"
He yelled, "Reyon!"
She smirked, "What?"
He warned her, " You're ruining the class! " He yelled some more but--
She smirked and wore her headphones to avoid whatever he was saying. He was glaring at her until he decided to concentrate on the rest of the class.
Anyways, I turned my concentration back to the lesson. I saw her scrolling through her phone from the corner of my eye. I glanced at her and she had her headphones on. For the first time, I saw her well. She wore a yellow T-shirt showing her navel. She had a slight make-up on. Her wavy brown hair was flowing to her waist. They had curls at the end. Her skin was almond. I didn't realize I was staring at her when she suddenly took off her headphones at signed me, " What? Why are you staring? Are you crazy?" I looked away.
Then concentrated back on what she was doing i.e. proudly doing something else during class. 
I saw her playing "Where's my water" and the echo of "Love the way you lie" by Eminem and Rihana. 
I asked her, "Psst--Won't you take notes?"
She smirked, " No"
She suddenly stood up.
She complained, " Mr. Jayden! Can't you see that someone is eyeing your daughter? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
I stood up surprised. Both because of her sudden complaint and her being his daughter. 
He replied coldly, " I'm pretty sure he's not eyeing you. You're weird enough to stare at. Louis, I hope you won't repeat."
I apologized but she seemed unapologetic and I saw her smirking at me.

It was lunch break. I was having my lunch in peace. Suddenly, I felt someone pouring juice on me. I kept my eyes closed in anger. I ground my teeth. After the pour was over, I kept sitting for two seconds. Then I stood up calmly and saw it was her.
"hey, smartypants! Scared now?!"
 My face was emotionless. I looked directly into her eyes. It was a mean look. But it felt forceful yet habituated. What made her meanness forceful? Should I counsel her? Or should I ask her what's hurting her inside? I could see right through her that she was not at all a bad person. I felt pity for them and wanted her to share her pain with me. But what came out of my mouth was unexpected.
I said calmly, " why'd you waste that much juice? Some people would die to have just a sip of whatever you've just wasted."
Her vision shook. Her eyebrow was raised and her mouth was slightly parted due to surprise.
I walked a step closer to keep eye contact. Her midnight blue eyes were mesmerizing to look at. I felt drawn toward them.  I didn't break eye contact since when I kept my eyes on her eyes. She looked away in embarrassment for a moment, then looked back at me and pushed me away by the chest. I backed some steps. She and her buddies left. I saw her leaving in rapid footsteps.
A girl tried to console me, " Don't mind her. She is spoilt now. "
I turned back. It was a Korean Girl. She continued, " She wasn't always like this. She was the nicest person I used to know...(Watching Reyon go)... I just wanted to say it's better to stay away from her now. Anyways, I'm Kang Soo Hee. I'm a migrant student. You can call me Soo. And you?"
I introduced myself. She's my first friend I guess. I allowed her to call me "Carl".

I am sitting by my window and rewinding everything in my mind about my first day. those unforgettable eyes...That pained forced meanness...A friend described her being the nicest...Something must've happened!
I could see right through her soul's window. She's beautiful. Beautiful enough to distinguish that some dirt is surrounding her midnight ocean's only surface. because I saw something maybe no one else saw. I saw a laminated baby's breath that was popping out and which was attempted to be hidden from the world."

That day when she came accidentally with the baby's breaths, these memories flushed in both Carlos's conscious and subconscious mind. 


                                                                              TO BE CONTINUED...

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