The Sea Glass

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They planned to go to the beach. Reyon wore a covering red swimsuit. It covered her arms, back, front, and mid-thighs. So Hee and Reyon wore matching outfits but So Hee's one was pink. Eva wore yellow and Poppy wore black.
Carlos and Evan wore black shorts and T-shirts.

Everyone had packed enough food, cameras, and memories.

Poppy asked Reyon, " Suggest me some names."
Reyon thought for some moments and shrugged.

Poppy thought for a second and told, " What about Jasmine? Jasminder or Jaspreet or Jagjeet Singh?"
Reyon smiled forcefully, " I don't know much about Punjabi names"
Poppy realized that she was too absorbed.
Reyon didn't get in the water. She swung her legs by the water. Carlos glanced at her now and then.
Evan also kept on glancing now and then at Poppy. Everybody splashed water at each other and Reyon was satisfied watching them. 

Carlos got out of the water and shook off the excess water. Carlos then looked at her. Reyon laughed at him and then the smile didn't disappear. Her dimples were showing. She tilted her head to the right and watched him in amusement. 

Carlos walked closer to her signing, " Why are you laughing?"
Reyon nodded her head and then gazed into his eyes till he walked closer to her and stopped a foot away. 
She was still smiling looking at him. 
He suddenly shook his head rapidly to let out more water which splashed Reyon. 
Reyon tried to block it with her hands but she laughed.
Both of them laughed at each other.
Carlos signed her to come closer. She took her ear closer to him and he whispered into her ear, "You are more beautiful when you smile" 
She laughed in disbelief and shrugged. Carlos walked towards their car to take out a bag of chips.

Suddenly, someone slapped Reyon hard from behind. Reyon fell in shock.
 She looked up and saw someone unknown yelling at her, " CARLOS IS MINE! YOU FU***** BI***! GET YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM HIM!!!"

Reyon was in shock and then she noticed a couple of people videoing them: especially her.
She quickly hid her face and the angry fan was about to kick her when Carlos stood in front of Reyon to protect her. 
Carlos was really, really angry at the fan. Reyon has never seen him this angry. Reyon slowly stood up and wiped sand from her swimsuit.
He rebuked keeping his voice low, " Hey! I understand that you support me, but that does not mean you can harass my wife. Can you?" Reyon widened her eyes in surprise at the word: WIFE
The fan echoed, " W-Wife?"
Carlos nodded while frowning at the fan and put his hands on his hips waiting for the fan to go she stood there but that wasn't his concern.
He turned to Reyon and asked, " Are you okay?"
The fan rebuked again, " BUT YOUR WIFE"S DEAD! HOW CAN SHE BE HER?! PROVE IT!"
Carlos looked at her and asked for permission silently. Then he grabbed her face and pulled her closer to kiss her. He placed his mouth on her and a tear fell from their eyes. Reyon's eyes widened. It felt electric like the first time. He gave as much as he could, forgetting that the whole world is watching them. He slowly pulled away and looked at her searching for the same face he held. He broke down from inside as well as she did. Everyone was flabbergasted.
 Evan covered Soo Hee's eyes and she removed his hand to watch it properly. Carlos wanted to hug her and keep holding her forever. He pulled her closer when Reyon moved away uncomfortably saying, " Everyone's watching babe!"
Carlos came to the senses. The fan was speechless. She coughed and then came back on the same track.  
Carlos sighed and angrily pulled out his phone for his wife's old picture and shoved it in front of the fan's face.
The fan's eyes widened as she noticed the uncanny resemblance.
" Th-then you said!"
Carlos corrected her by looking into exclaimed Reyon's eyes, " My wife was alive and I didn't believe until I saw her again. I found her once again. But this time, she doesn't remember me. So, I'll wait till she remembers me. And even if she doesn't me, it's okay. I'll always love her no matter what."
The fan walked away defeated. The video was viral within a day and Carlos admitted right away in public that she is his wife. 
Reyon was upset about this forcefulness because she thinks that who is she to take his wife's place forever?
And a wish was in her heart because she was jealous of his wife. After all, she wanted to take that place. She felt guilt for this greed. She kept on thinking about the kiss. And also, maybe Carlos was that much emotional because she looks like his wife. Her guilt was redoubled.

Meanwhile, Carlos entered her room after knocking. She looked sad. She was sitting on the bed keeping her legs on the floor.
Carlos apologized, " I'm sorry, Reyon. I had to do that."
Reyon nodded and wiped her tears but didn't look at him. 
Carlos walked towards her and sat on his knees in front of her. She still didn't want to look at him.  So her eyes were on the floor.

He held her hands with both of his hands and wanted her to look at him. Failing, he gulped the lump in his throat. Reyon wiped another tear.
He sighed and stood up quickly. He wrapped his hands around her head so that her face falls against his chest. He kept a distance from his legs to her body as if he was being careful not to hurt her anymore. She didn't wrap her hands but started crying against his chest.
Then slowly said, " I don't want to take your wife's place. I'm not worthy. Let's go our ways before anything else happens. I don't want to do this anymore!"

Carlos pulled away. He kept his eyes into her eyes and seriously told, " There's no other way now. You have to stay with me. Please help me for now. If you want to go, let's wait for two more months and then we would declare that we are divorced. Okay?"

Reyon didn't say a word as if she didn't agree but is forced to. She wiped her tears again turning her face away from him. Carlos walked away being sorry. Before leaving, he left a sea glass necklace that he brought for her from the beach on her table. It was turquoise in color.

                                                                       TO BE CONTINUED...


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