Meeting Him

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Hi my name is Kia and I'm a ghost. Yep you heard me right. I live under a bridge with other ghost but they are not too fond of me. I've been here for about 2 years now. No one here likes me because of my stubborn and a little rude personality I give off. On the inside I'm just a giant teddy bear needing to be loved.

Colby POV

Are you ready for this boys, Elton asked with a smile. He is crazy how can He be so happy at this bridge. Sure we are, I say with a sarcastic tone. We start walking down the trail to under the bridge. You do know that we could get attachments right, Sam says with a worried look. Yep sure do that's what fun about this trip, No camaras, just us and the spirts, Elton says with amusement in his eye's. Annndddd I may have brought something, Elton says with a smile a wicked smile. Ouija Board I'm guessing, Sam says with a "of course" look. You know me so well, Elton says.

We get to a big cement block under the bridge. Elton takes out the Ouija Board. Ok You already know I'm not doing it, Corey says. Me, Sam, and Elton put two fingers on the piece ( I don't know what it's called exactly) Is there any spirts that want to talk to us, I say and close my eyes trying to really put in all the power I could to get something to move the piece.


I was the only one that actually wanted to talk to them. I move the piece to yes. I see them all look down and seem shocked. Is this spirt a good spirt, From who I can tell from his thoughts is Colby. Then there is Elton and Sam plus Corey which is scared and I can tell why, He is very nice and I know the ghost likes to mess with him. Ok time to answer that question, I consider myself good so yes. I put the piece on Yes. Ok can you spell out your name, Elton asks it seems that he is very smirky. I spell Kia on the board with the piece. Hi, Kia it's nice to meet you, I'm Colby, That's Sam, Elton, and Corey, Colby says and points out all of them. When did you die Kia, Sam asks, He seems nice. I move the piece to 2 then 0 then 2 then 1 to spell out 2021. Ok so you have only been dead for 2 years, How old are you Kia, Elton says.

I move the piece to 2-3 I then look up at them. Ok so your just a little younger then us, Sam says. Did you jump, Elton asks with no emotion on his face. I move the piece to yes. Did the bridge or the spirts here make you do it, Sam asks He must be thinking the spirts tell people to do it. I move the piece to no, then I move the piece to tell them that the spirts sometimes tells people to do it. The seem to get it after a few minutes of putting the words together. Ok kia I have this machine that you just have to speak into and then we will hear you, Elton says holding a ovalis (don't really know how to spell it, but it goes through the dictionary) I've seen these many times. How many spirts are here including you, Sam asks. 20 I say and it speaks out that number. Ok and how many are nice, Elton asks. ME, I say which it says out loud. So you are the only one that is good, Colby says. Indeed, I say. Ok so you must be lonely, Colby says seeming a little sad. Some, I say. Ok we are done with the questions if you would like to stay with us for the night you can, Elton says seeming tired.

They all lay down and talk for a bit. I go over and sit next to Colby, I like him he seems cool. Colby seems to feel my presence. Colby turns back on the ovalis. Is this kia sitting beside me, Colby asks in a whisper seeing that all the others were asleep. Yes, I say. Do you like sitting with me do you like my presence, Colby asks still quiet. Yes I say. Do you have any friends here, Colby asks. No, I say. Are you protecting us from the bad, Colby asks. Yes, I say. The others are far away from the whole group because they know that they are now my friends and not to mess with them. So are the bad ones far away, Colby asks. Yes, Helped, I say. So you are helping us, Colby asks. Yes, I say. I feel Colby getting tired, Sleep, I say. You want to go to sleep, Colby asks generally wondering. No, you, I say. Oh so you can tell I'm tired, Colby says. Yes, I say and move away from him. He seems to get it and turns off the device and lays down closing his eyes.

I lay down beside him and attach myself making sure to make him now that I did attach myself. He turns back on the Ovalis. Did you just attach yourself to me, Colby asks a little scared. Yes, I say. Why, He asks. Protect, Friends, Help, Like, I say. Ok so you are going to protect us 24/7 and you like us, He asks. Yes, I say and then turn off the machine. He seems to get it and sets it down and closes his eyes.

I start to fall asleep with him. 5 A.M comes around and we are leaving. Colby turns on the Ovalis. Kia are you still attached to me, Colby asks and Sam, Elton, and Corey looked at them shocked. Yes, I say. He turns off the machine and smiles.

Colby POV

You got a attachment and you didn't think to tell us, Corey basically yells. Yes but he protected us last night and is good, He will help us through out all of our haunted adventures, I say with the " it's ok" look. Ok ok I just hope Corey's Shadow Man likes him too, Elton says with his crazy smile. We are just going to have the shadowman in this story with Corey.


While I'm sitting in the car in Colby's lap because I couldn't sit anywhere else, I see a man with black hair and very tall. Hi , I say knowing that he was a ghost too. Hello young one, He says. What's your name, I ask trying to be as nice as I could. My name is James, but they call me the Shadow Man, He says smiling. He seems nice but still like me because he seems protective and acting scary. My name is Kia, I say with a smile.

Are you the attachment Corey has, I ask really wondering. Yes, They think I'm bad well mostly they know I won't hurt them, S.M says. Can I call you Shadow, I ask. Of course, He says seeming fond of that name. Ok Shadow how old are you, I ask. I'm 40, He says. I'm starting to think he is going to be a father figure to me. P.S He is I'm 20, I say with a smile proud of myself. Cool well we are home, By the way they all have attachments, and I think you will get enough power to show yourself more then a shadow here so you can actually talk to Your Person, Shadow says and walks out with Corey.

Everybody except the girls have a attachment!!

What will Happen..... By the way when it's like this in the story Its me.

Couples for right now

Corey x Devyn

Sam x Kat

Couples that we could do just tell me

Corey x Elton

Kia x Colby

Colby x Kia x Sam

Corey x Shadow

Kia x Nick (another attachment that sam has

Kia x Nick x Sam x Colby

Jake x Corey

Kia x Will ( Jakes Attachment)

Kia x Jake x Will x Colby

Devyn x Xepher

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