chapter 1: despair grows

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"your royal highness, do you know how hard it was just to get to you?"

The lady stretched her arms out, making a tired groan. She then placed her foot on the leg, of a young man who was tied up in front of her.

"you wench! Get your foot away from his royal highness' leg!"
Another young man, who was tied like the other shouted.

"kazuichi, calm yourself" the other young man said, he was calm and reserved unlike the man he mentioned.

"junko enoshima, I assume that you have a very important business to discuss with me to go through all the trouble of tying me and my knight like this... What is it that you want?" the young man said in a preserved demeanor, his cold stare on the lady could almost be considered as a glare.

"ahahah! We're cutting to the formalities already? That's it, I like ya!"
The lady leaned in closer to the prince's face with crazed look on her face. This woman, jukno enoshima is the sadistic ruler of the despair valley, the despair valley is deemed to be a wicked place that one must never enter unless they have a death wish but despite it's terrible reputation,
the emperor left it alone deciding that it was not a threat to anything.

Unfortunately he was wrong, because now the ruler junko had managed capture the prince, hajime hinata and his knight, what a mess.

The despair valley had quiet for a long time, why are they only attacking now? they should be grateful that father had the heart to spear them! Hajime thought.

"get you off him! I swear I won't even hesitate to kill you!" kazuichi threatened.

Junko yawned, getting off hajime.
"mukuro" she called, within a few seconds a girl appeared almost as if in thin air. Kazuichi jumped, surprised from the sudden appearance.

"yes, my lord?"

junko sat down. "get that idiotic follower of his outta here, he's annoying me"

Mukuro grabbed the rope that was tied onto kazuichis body and lifted him up, "huh?! Hey! Where are you taking me, let me go!" the young man struggled trying to break free but it was no use, the womans grip on him was strong, somehow reminding him like bears grip.

"now that the shark is out, let's have a proper conversation why don't we?" she smiled. Hajime's cold gaze still remained, he shouldn't be too careless after all, junko isn't someone he should take lightly. The woman is an absolute lunatic, and he does not even know what she wants, rumor has it she only does her evil ways for the fun of it,
It's either she is planning on torturing both him and kazuichi to death.

"let's make a deal" she said, hajime furrowed his brows, suspicious.

"..what deal?" he hesitated. He wonders what deal would be, no doubt it would be something dangerous.

"come in!" junko called, a young girl with short green hair walked inside the room, the child seemed much more behaved and composed then all the children hajime had interacted to.

"this girl, marry her"

hajime choke on his own saliva.

That is it, the rumors are true! This wench is a lunatic! How dare she propose this idea to him, this is an insult!

"t,that is a child.. I.." and not mention, he would be insane to marry someone from the despair valley! That would just bring chaos into the world-who cares if he dies, at least it would ensure the safety of his country!

"..i am afraid I cannot do tha-"

"ah, I hadn't said this yet have I? Your highness or blah blah blah, you don't get a choice"
the woman interrupted him, her eyes piercing into his.

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