The confusion spreads

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(Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying this story. I have nothing better to do, soooo.. Imma do a big chapter today. Yay! FYI, this is told in the authors pov, but I'm not in it, just a warning. I may not be on much this week due to school, but I'm online school so I'll try to get on.)

Gameknight999 ran towards where the monsters had been fighting, looking for any evidence of hunters disappearance. The plant life that the monsters had trampled was either flat to the ground or completely gone. He moved around the ruined grass and flowers as he tried to look for any trace of her randomly disappearing. Nothing but trampled ground. He sighed in frustration, and walked back to crafter, his face betraying his feelings sadness and anger. "Nothing?" Crafter asked, seeing the look on his friends face. "Nope. Nothing." He said back, a hint of sadness to his voice. "Should we tell them, the villagers?" Asked crafter. "I guess..." The user that is not a user said back. Crafter walked up to the village well and clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. They all were still yelling over eachother, not paying attention to anyone or anything. Crafter walked back over to Gameknight and explained, "They won't listen to me. You need to talk to them, they'll listen." Gameknight just nodded in response and walked infront of the well. He jumped up and quickly placed the block he was holding underneath him, repeating this action many times until he got the height he wanted. He pulled out a iron chest plate and banged on it with the flat of his sword, drawing all eyes to him. The scared and confused villagers stared at him, clearly wondering what was wrong. "Everyone!" He screamed. "Has anyone seen hunter?" The villagers just looked around, everyone just now noticing she had disappeared. The conversations between the confused villagers continued, everyone now noticing what happened. "I have." Yelled a young voice from the crowd. Gameknight broke his pillar and walked over to the npc as crafter did the same. "What is your name son?" Crafter asked the young npc. "My name is stonecutter," the young npc explained, "and I've seen your friend. The monsters took her, a enderman, but different." "What color were they?" Gameknight999 asked. "The one that took her was a dark dark red, and the rest were black." "Oh no." Gameknight immediately ran to the wall and climed the stairs that lead to it, trying to see if they had gotten away yet. "Oh no. They are already gone." Since they didn't know where she was, Gameknight999 got off the wall and lie down. "What are you doing Gameknight?" Crafter asked. "To the land of dreams. I can find hunter there." And with that, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Word count: 480 words.

She's missing... (A GAMEKNIGHT999 FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now