1 , 2 , 3 fight !

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You are unpacking boxes in your new room as you a picture of your old friends. You look at it brings tears to your eyes then you hear a knock at the door. You put the picture back into boxes and yell come in Billy walks in. "Hey y/n!" He said. He notices that you are looking said he walks over and sits down. He notices the picture you were just holding and picks it up. "Ha! We're these your friends back in Maine?" He giggled. "Yeah." You whispered tears start to fill your eyes. "Y/n... it's okay." He stammered as he hugs you. You start to sob as you hug billy tighter. "I just miss them." You cried. "Listen... it's okay. I can't deal with someone sad!" He says. You look up at him and wipe your tears. A big smile emerges on Billy's face. "Follow me!" He smirked. You follow him to his room when he pulls out a box from underneath his bed. "Look!" He says opening the box. He opens the box and it reveals millions of pictures of you and him taken on the old camera your mom and ad had. "Where did you find these!?" You gasp. "In the attic!" He replied. He pulls out a picture of you and billy on your 1st birthday. The picture was slightly faded but you could still make out you and billy in chair with cake all over your faces with your mom and dad behind you. But there was a black mark over your dad's face. You look in the box and rummage through the pictures you lift a picture with you and billy on Christmas when you were 6. At the bottom of the picture it has written in a bright red pen "Christmas 1970". "Billy, look!" You laugh. You both start laughing when your mom walks in. "Are you guys okay?" She asked. "Y-yeah!" you and billy laugh. She walks over to the box and looks in it and grabs a picture of you, billy, her, and your dad in it. "Fucking bastard." She mumbles. You and billy look up at her, she rips the picture apart and throws it on the floor and puts her hands behind her back and gives the picture kick, and proceeds to walk out. "You guys should get some fresh air." She demands closing the door. You both sit there and exchange looks. "Well you heard the women. Come on!" Billy said.  You both start to walk out of his room leaving the torn-up picture on the ground. Billy is a paper boy it's a helpful way to get money actually, he goes out at 3:00 every day and gives newspapers out. You both walk outside and get on your bikes your dog buster sitting in the garage ready to go with billy to deliver. "Here..." Billy mutters as he grabs crinkled and folded 10 dollars out of his pocket. "Oh!" You say. "Go to the grab and go and get something and don't get hurt." He says getting on his bike. You start walking down the street. The sun shines down on the street a car screeches and honks. The sound made you jump as a little girl runs passed you the driver in the car looks at you and keeps on driving. The girl almost tripped running passed and continued running faster down the way. You decided to follow her to make sure she was okay. She makes a quick turn and then you peek your head around the corner and your horrified. A curly-haired boy getting kicked on the ground is all that you could see you turned the corner and then the girl glanced at you and then looked back and hit the boy kicking him on the head with a rock. "What the fuck!?" He screamed. He tried to grab the girl but she moved back she looked at you helpless and you step in. The boy turned around as the boy on the ground tried to move back. "Well... who is this?" He says looking at his friends. The boys start to laugh "You know that wimp?" The boy hissed. "Uhh.." you mumbled. He grabs your hand and pulls you in. "Do you or not!?" He yells. The girl runs up and hits the boy on the head again. "Fucking stop you bicth!" He roars. He pushes you down and grabs her by the hair, the force from the push knocked the wind out of you. The boy on the ground looks at you with a bloody face, blood coming out of his nose dripping to his mouth, and his chin being busted open. You get on your feet and grab the boy's hair trying to protect the girl he turns around quickly and hits you in the nose. You feel the burning pain and blood starting to flood out, You hit him in his eye and punch him right across the face. "The fuck! Get her dummies we can't let them get away!" He says pointing at the other kids with their mouths wide open shocked. Two of his friends grab you and pull you away both of them grab your arms tightly you try to escape but when you do one of the punch you. You feel very light head and don't know what's going on all you could see was the other two kids getting beat up but you couldn't help them you couldn't even move. A couple of minutes later you felt less light head and tried to move your arms but they didn't let go you tried to use your legs but that didn't work. "Stop! Stop!" You whined. The boy beating them looked at you and walked to you the boys held you tighter. "What are you going to do, sweetheart?" He asked laughing. You moved your legs and kicked him straight in the balls. "Damn!! Beat her up!" He said hitting the boys on their shoulders as he sat down in pain. Next thing you knew they ran off and you were laying down on the floor. "A-are you okay?" The girl mumbled. You sit up, and you look down to see your legs bleeding your hand scratched and a drop of blood dropped on your shoe from your nose. "I-i think." You stuttered. "I'm G-Gwen." She said. "I'm Y/n." You mutter. "Oh your Billy's siste-r?" She asks. "Yeah.." you say. "Finney! Finney! Holy shit Finn!" She cried. "Is that Finney?" You ask. You look at the boy he is laying on the ground in a puddle of blood with bruises and scratches. "Yeah..." she answered. Finney gets up and you and he look eyes. "T-thanks." He stuttered. "Who were those guys??" You ask. "Moose." They both say. "Well, he beat us up." You stutter. "Yeah." Finney says. "Y/n right? Can we go back to your place? Our dad will beat us if he sees us like this." Gwen says. "Oh uh sure! I'm sure my mom could help us." You say. You all slowly get up and shuffle back to your house.

Date: 01/22/23 1206 words

lipstick.        (A Finney x Y/n love story)Where stories live. Discover now