I couldnt really expect anything good when walking into Marshfield  Highschool. At least not since Freshman Year when Makenzi May decided to stomp my face in because she thought i called her a slut when really, i diddent quite understand what was happening.  2020 was a very weird year for me. It was a very Disturbing Year for me. But it was also the year when i finally understood. When I finally Knew, what marshfield really was.

Marshfield is a small town so much that people around here dont know that it was even a thing. But the people who do, you might as well feel bad for. If they arent part of the problem they are living the problem. Getting beat..by the problem. Marshfield is filled with what i 'Gang Gang Bitches'. Girls and boys who act, talk and even dress like they are black. they say the N slur and find fun in beating up people.

 Here in Marshfield high, if you beat up someone, your popular. you get congratulated by other students for making somebody hate themselves and want to disappear. The sad reality is, is its all a moving cycle. You go to Marshfield, start talking like they do, beat someone up and in a weird sickish way you find pride in it, you become one of them, and then cheer another person on if they beat another person up. You wanna be like them when really their just like you. they were once you going through the same cycle just trying to fit in. And then theres kids like me.

Kids who see the problem and think its fucked up. So fucked up that you dont participate in the shitty cycle, you just let them beat the shit outta you because if you fight back and you somehow win? your gonna fit in the cycle whether you like it or not and really, who the fuck wants to do that. So when it comes to 'Gang Gang Bitches' I do tend to ignore them, except this one person. Neveah Renae. 

Neveah has hated me since freshman year when i had a crush on her brother Tommy who happens to be the Most popular kid in school. Everyone loves Tommy, and hates me. When i tell people about the situation with Tommy they say think that, Tommy used to like me but treated me like shit because of his peers. It really is a long stupid story about that boy but since im writting a story about him, I might as well tell you right?

When i came to school there was one thing me and Tommy bonded over, and that was Metallica. He was a cool kid for sure, but i soon realized that he was also a real Asshole. Sooner enough, after me and Tommy decided to fight because he wanted to be 'FWB' with me..Friends with Benefits. He for some reason thought i told someone, when i diddent so we got in a fight. To be an Asshole, i decided to make a TikTok about him saying how much i love him, as a joke. but of course they took it seriously and told everyone that i stalked him. ever since that day, Neveah has hated me. Over a TikTok. It really shows their character doesn't it? 3 years and they cant let it go. The fucked up thing in my opinion though, is that i haven't told Neveah, or any of his friends about our situation. I could, i really really could, But i diddent and i dont think i ever will.

I walked into the bathroom before the bell rang for class. I always do and always have. Sadly, Neveah knew my everyday routine

"Hey, its the Bitch that was stalking Tommy" Maya Thompson, Neveah's best friend spoke as she slowly walked into the bathroom like a Cheetah stalking her Pray. Maya has red long Dyed hair and Green eyes. if you look closer at her, she really just looks like a sewer rat, but i keep that joke to myself. 

"I say we jump her" Neveah spoke bluntly not taking her eyes off me. Neveah Had black thick glasses and long blonde hair. She had blue eyes and was a little overweight. She would actually be really pretty if she wasn't such a Bitch. 

Before i could even take a breath, Maya and this other girl who hung around them Grabbed me by my arms and slammed me against the bathroom stall. Neveah without hesitation continuously Punched me in the stomach, by the second punch i was completely out of breath, Making the pain in my gut unbearable. By the 5th punch, the 2 dropped me letting me fall to the floor. I couldnt even hear their snarky remarks or their giggling as i sat Against the stall gasping for air, holding my stomach. I felt tears swell in my eyes but quickly wiped them away.

what a great fucking start as to, today

"How was school?" I jumped at the voice before quickly looking over torwards my right in the direction of the living room. There sat my father in his old chipped brown armchair flipping through the channels on the t.v. the house was dark besides the light of the t.v and the light in the kitchen.

"I-it was good" i said only above a whisper not wanting to cop any unwanted adittude. he diddent sound drunk tonight so thats good.

"get me a beer" he yelled with slight slur. Or not

"y-yes-Yes sir" i said with a hoarse voice. I grabbed a beer from the fridge before bringing it back to my father, my hand slightly shaking. He was wearing a white undershirt with his stomach fat poking out and blue boxer shorts

"thank you beautiful" he smiled warmly at me and i nodded in response nervously. I couldn't speak when i was around my father. When i went to school, no one would ask about my bruises because they would just think it was from Neveah. They would have never thought of the other circumstance.

I closed the door to my room with a sigh, remembering Neveah's beating i walked over to my mirror and lifted up my sweatshirt. There was slight bruising all over my stomach. Now that i wasn't at school or around my father, I could cry. And that's exactly what i did. I laid there and cried in my pillow until i could cry no more, because that's all i was. A crybaby

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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