Nagged to gloyd

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[The scene opens in a garage. An insect is crawling across what appears to be a workshop desk.]

Rancis: [picking it up with a pair of tongs] "Not so fast, little fella!" [He carefully places the insect in a jar.]

Swizzle: "I saw this thing in a movie. "I Married a Thorax!"

Rancis: [looking over his insect collection] "gummy worms, check. Millipedes, check. Moths–"

Gloyd: "Yep. It's a bug."

Rancis : [holding up an empty jar] "Well, gloyd, the time has arrived for my monthly insect expedition!" [handing him supplies] "A pair of galoshes and sterile gloves to avoid bacteria and germs."

Gloyd: "Insects bug me."

Rancis: [holding out a shovel and some gloves] "swizzle, for you."

Gloyd: [intentionally misusing the equipment] "Okay. Ready."

Swizzle: [wearing a glove on his head] "Set." [He blows the glove up until it shoots off his head.]

Rancis: "Go! Let us proceed to the forest!" [He leads the way.]

Gloyd: "Follow Nature Boy."

[The sugar rush boys are in the candy cane forest.]

Rancis: "Isn't it magnificent? All the splendors of nature, displayed in one giant petri dish full of life!" [As he speaks, the atmosphere of the forest changes, becoming darker and scarier.]

Swizzle: "I think I swallowed a bug."

Gloyd: [hearing a noise] "Huh? What was that?"

[The camera zooms out to show that there's nothing there.]

Gloyd: "That's it! This nature stuff is for the birds." [He stomps off and disappears around a corner.] "WHOAOOO!"

Swizzle and rancis: "gloyd?" [They go after gloyd and find him staring at an enormous spiderweb.]

Swizzle: [entranced] "Whoa, way big."

Rancis: "It's a masterpiece of nature!"

Gloyd: "Looks like my grandmother's hairnet. Well, let's go guys. SWIZZLE!"

[swizzle is in the center of the web, bouncing on it.]

Gloyd: "Get down, you maniac!"

Swizzle : "Yee-haw, it's sticky!"

Rancis: "You're disturbing the eco-environment!" [They hear a noise.]

Swizzle: "What was that?"

Rancis: "Now you've done it. Ed, I suggest..." [He gulps. Eddy starts shivering.]

Snowanna, jubileena and candlehead : "swizzle, rancis and gloyd. Sitting in a candy cane tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

Gloyd : "swizzle! Get off that thing!" [Spooky laughter is heard.]

Swizzle: "Huh?" [he tries to get down] "Help me, guys! I don't want the fluids drained from my body!"

Gloyd: "Hold on, swizzle! We'll rescue ya!"

[rancis and gloyd try to pull swizzle loose. Meanwhile, the chant starts again.]

Snowanna, jubileena and candlehead: "swizzle, rancis and gloyd. Sitting in a candy cane tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

[swizzleis pulled loose. The laughter is heard again, and the sugar rush boys run through the candy cane forest. They suddenly run into three pairs of eyes.]

Swizzle, rancis and GloydWhere stories live. Discover now