who would say this in your DR?

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who would say this in your DR?



-"i'm going. are you coming with me or not?"

-a whispered "i love you" quiet enough that you didn't hear

-"literally no"

-"ur mom"

-"god, you're so annoying"

-"i wouldn't do that if i were you"

-"you're literally gay"

-"LOL" OUT. LOUD. who says lol out loud

-"i've got to skedaddle"


-"focus on the damn work before i-"

-"did you know *random fact*?"

-"i love cats"

-"i just choked on my water"

-"*random line from a movie*"

-"'cause karma is my boyfriend. karma is a god. karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend—"

woefully - ( wednesday shifting )Where stories live. Discover now