who would do this in your DR?

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who would do this in your DR?
don't be afraid to comment who would
from any DR you have :)



-text you in the middle
of the night saying "hi"

-start randomly singing a song

-trip over air

-fall asleep doing ANYTHING and ANYWHERE

-take 3 hours picking out an outfit for the rave'n

-read fanfiction in class

-get in trouble for everything

-let you paint their nails

-steal your phone and take 283638 selfies when you're not looking

-play on your phone while you're in
the shower

-make you wear matching shirts

-call you pet names like love, etc.

-SOMEHOW accidentally knock themselves out

-stay up till 3 am every night

-watch a movie every night

-be late for everything

-be early for everything

-fail in class

-let you brush and braid their hair

-forget something important

-start reading a book but never finish it

-throw up because they saw blood or something gorey

-sneak over to your dorm in the middle of the night ;))

-randomly jump on your back

-builds a fort and makes you sleep in it with them

-randomly draws on your hands/arms whenever they feel like it

-hug you from behind

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