Convincing Hiccup

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Keep in mind that I wrote this about a year ago. I didn't finish, but I will if you want me to. I got up to maybe... 6 or 7 chapters. Anyway, sorry if it's terrible! I'll post more, if you want!

Hiccup's POV*

"Astrid..." I've never seen her so frightened before.

"A-are you okay? Did you have a nightmare, again? Astrid, I told you a million times alrea-"

"I don't want you to leave Berk!" She interrupted, let go of me, &cried harder.

"I read your note! I don't want you to leave! What would I do without you?" Is Astrid Hofferson actually crying because I'm leaving.

*Astrid's POV*

I've never cried so much in my life.

After I settled down a bit, I told him what was at the top of my mind, not even thinking.

"If you're going, I'm going with you!" Hiccup looked dazed at me with his forest green eyes.

"Astrid,no. It'll be too dangerous! You're staying here!" Wait, what did he just say to me?

"Excuse me? I'm going with you! I don't care about what you think! I am NOT going to lose you! We're in this together." I took his little hand and calmed down a bit.

"Please," I teared up again. I took his hands and put them on my waist. I crawled my fingers up & around his neck and pulled him even closer for a soft, gentle kiss to convince him.

*Hiccup's POV*

I know exactly what she's doing. But I'm NOT going to fall for it.

"Fine," I said with a slow sigh. What? Astrid is my girlfriend, I can't let her down. Plus, I'll have someone to cuddle with, to keep warm at night.

"Yay!" She exclaimed excitedly, while jumping up and down clapping her hands, like she did when she was seven.

I gave her my famous crooked, toothy smile. And she blushed! Of course I blushed, too. I mean COME ON! The Astrid Hofferson is blushing. At meeeee!

"When do we leave?"

"We leave at midnight. Get packed, get Stormfly ready to leave. Meet me at the cove." She nodded, gave me a big, wet, sloppy kiss. I felt her tongue brush against my lip. I let it in. I love it when she does that.

Once she left, I smiled so big, Toothless had to snap me out of it.

I asked, gently pushing him away.

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