Five Girls in One Direction- Info

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  • Dedicated to Emma C;

~Five Girls in One Direction Info~

(Paige)- Lou Vanette

Long white/blonde curly hair with tips colored electric blue. Has dark blue eyes and REALLY pale skin. Is 5;7 and is average weight.

(Emma)- Alice Moare

Medium length crimson hair with flipped up bangs. Brown reddish eyes. Around 5"3', small.

(Chay) - Kennedy Evans

Has long brown curly hair, has like a crystal blue eye color, 5'5. Is tan and wears hipster glasses.

(Katie) Kit Waters-

Scene styled dark brown hair, bright green eyes. Is pale and (like midget) short at 5;1, Average weight. Wears hipster glasses too.

(Kiara) - Alex Tranners-

Has light blonde hair, bright crystal blue eyes with green specks, is 5'5, and thin.



When five best friends take a trip to California for vacation, they expected to have a blast. But, as their heading up to their room in the elevator with five hooded guys, they didn't think anything of it. Until the elevator broke down and trapped them with none other than One Direction. Okay, so maybe getting stuck in a small space with five hot, famous British/Irish guys isn't so bad, but when you have 3 little siblings running around alone, you can't help but panic.


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