Pizza=Food of The Sex Gods

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-Ch 3-

"Dah fuck!" I shouted, staring at the five sex gods in front of me. They just chuckled, not even attempting to explain their presence to me. Jerks.

"Lou, who's at the do-!" Kit froze, staring at the guys with wide eyes.

Liam smirked, winking at said shocked idiot best friend of mine, "Nice PJs." He grinned, showing off his white teeth.

"Eee!" Kit squeaked and went to hide around the corner quickly, blush on her face. But before she could she fell to the ground. Then she crawled the rest of the way.

I laughed and turned back to them, "But really, not that it's a bad thing but why are you guys here?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Can't we just visit some cute girls?" Harry asked leaning on the wall next to me. The closeness between us made me blush lightly.

"Ya, but that's not a valid reason!" I argued, turning my head to hide my embarrassment.

"I told you! Their here!" Kit's voice cut off Liam who was about to speak. I groaned throwing my hands over my head.

"Just shut up!" I glared at Kennedy, Alice, Alex, and Kit. I then looked at Liam, "You. Explain. Now."

"Uhm, we actually came to thank you for getting us out of the elevator..." He rubbed the back of his head, grinning.

I blinked once. Then twice. Then three times, "What?"

There was a pause and it was like a staring contest between the boys and girls of the room.

"Ok, lets figure this out. Come on in." I motioned for them to enter our (awesome) hotel room. Liam smiled at me and led the boys in by walking in first. Harry gave me a cheeky grin and winked as he walked by. I rolled my eyes but blushed lightly.

Stupid hot British guys.

I shooed them to the living room, and then pushed my still quiet friends back to the kitchen.

"Keep cooking me food. You guys can wait there. I'm gonna go get changed!" I yelled, closing the bedroom door.

I grabbed my bag and pulled out my pajamas. I quickly changed and woke up Riley.

"Ry, come on and get dressed sweetie...~" I said softly, picking him up out of bed.

"Jamy's...?" He mumbled, rubbing his eye. I chuckled and nodded, setting him down on the bed as I pulled out his pajamas. I then quickly helped him change into his spider man pajamas and socks.

"Wait! Bear!" He pointed back to the bed where his old stuffed teddy bear was laying. I grinned and grabbed it, handing it to Riley who hugged it to his chest tightly.

"Got everything Ry?" I asked, picking him up and letting him rest on my hip.

"Yup!" He smiled at me, making me smile back as I pushed open the door with my foot. I entered the living room only to see an not so odd scene.

Kennedy and Louis were sitting next to each other, eating pizza and talking. I could tell Kennedy was flirting big time, in a sexy way of course.

Liam and Kit were next to them. Kit was wrapped up in the same blanket as Liam. She was giggling softly, blushing brightly as Liam mumbled something to her.

Alice was on her stomach laying on the ground babbling to Zayn who was grinning. He would ruffle Alice's hair or laugh once in a while.

I saw Harry who was sitting in my seat, my seat! His back was facing me and he seemed to be eating pizza.

I'll deal with him later.

There was a loud laugh from the kitchen and I peeked my head in, Riley looking on curiously.

There on the counter was Alex who was watching Niall as he loaded his plate with food. Pizza, chips, candy, beef jerky, sandwiches, ect.

"Hungry much?" I asked, revealing myself as I entered the room.

Niall looked up quickly an blushed, rubbing the back of his neck,"Oh! I, uh sor-!"

I quickly cut him off by laughing,"It's cool, I was only joking. Eat all ya want!"

I grabbed a plate and filled it with two small sized pizzas before leaving the cute not yet couple alone.

I walked up behind Harry,"You. Out of my seat." I said, my face all serious. It was my seat, MY seat.

He looked up at me, giving me a cheeky grin,"Oh come on love, I'm the guest! How 'bout we share the seat?" I glared at him, blushing at the thought.

The chair sofa thing wasn't that big, which meant I would either have to sit in his lap or be squashed next to him.

I was about to plain out say no when Riley tugged my shirt and asked cutely,"Can we eat?"

Dammit. Stupid cuteness!

I motion for Harry to slide over an sat next to him, practically on his lap. I set Riley on my lap facing away from me an handed him his pizza.

"See, this isn't that bad!" Harry exclaimed, his chest rumbling slightly. I blushed and looked away, nomming on my pizza.

"So what do mean by us saving you guys?" I asked, wiping sauce off of my mouth.

Zayn looked up, finally noticing my presence, "Oh, uh well Kennedy must of got the intercom to work cause the hotel received a 'code blue' from our elevator." He grinned, explaining.

Kennedy smirked at me, "And you said that pressing buttons wasn't gonna help." I just rolled my eyes and took another bite of pizza.

"Holy shit!" I looked up as Kit yelled, only to see Niall carrying a plate full of food and Alex carrying her own plate and drinks.

I laughed, smiling at Kit, Alice, and Kennedy's faces. Niall blushed and sat down, Alex sitting criss crossed right next to him.

"What, you guys seem surprised." I grinned, leaning back. Which meant I leaned into Harry. Oops.

Riley giggled, "Louie!" Louis looked up at the call of 'his' name. His face was confused.

"What?" He asked Louis asked, probably wondering why a little nine year old knew 'his' name.

Riley puffed out his cheeks,"You're not Louie silly!"

"What?" He asked again, looking even more confused. Alice, Kit, Alex, and Kennedy who were holding back their laughs. Well, that was until Riley huffed loudly. They laughed loudly, each leaning on 'their' guy.

I rolled my eyes and explaining,"Okay, by everyone else I'm known as Lou, but my full names Louis Mark Vannatta; And since Riley is my little brother he calls me Louie."

"Oh." Niall said in a so intelligent way, making Alex laugh again. I rolled my eyes and shifted in my seat, moving Riley so he was sitting side ways. He latched onto my side, still holding onto his teddy bear.

"So, anyone want to play video games?" Kit asked, hopping to her feet.

"Do you even need to ask?" I retorted.

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