Moon I

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"Yong-ah," she heard her mother's voice across her room for the millionth time today, "are you sure you'll be okay on your own? If you don't feel well, we can hold it off for another week-"

"Mom, I'm fine," she answered before her mother could ramble on. "Honestly. Promise."

Her ears were honestly about to bleed. Monday, three days later, will be her first day of school. Technically, it would be the start of the second semester at her college, but it would be the first for her. Since she could remember, she had been homeschooled, all the way until college.

Even when she graduated high school, her mother didn't let her off to college, instead insisting that she wait a couple of months before going. Now, almost February, her mother finally allowed her to leave for a university not far from where they lived—a mere five-hour plane ride away, she told her mother, who immediately freaked out.

A quarter past eleven, she finally finished packing and gently pushed her mother out of her room. "Mom, please, try to get some sleep tonight?" She pleaded, cheeks puffing out. "I'll still be here, in my room, fully intact tomorrow morning. Please, let me sleep," she whined as she nudged her mother's shoulders.

"Love you, good night, see you tomorrow," she yelled in one breath before flashing a huge smile and closing the door.

Her smile disappeared as soon as she turn around and flopped face down on her bed. The confident facade she had put up in front of her mother cracked as soon as she left. She really wasn't sure about anything in a new country. Admittedly, she has never been away from her mom for more than three days, and that time, it was for modeling.

Modeling, modeling, modeling.

Modeling knawed off every moment of free time in her life. She knew the actual reason she was homeschooled was so that her schedule could be more flexible for the job offers. She didn't necessarily dislike not going to school, but she definitely hated not knowing anyone outside of those job offers.

She pushed herself off of her bed when she realized she was still in her jeans from this afternoon. She stripped her jeans off, replaced them with loose pajama shorts, and slipped off her slippers. She pulled the hidden scale from underneath her bed and stepped on it, jumping off when the number was about to still. Kicking it under the bed, the girl flopped on her bed, throwing a duvet over herself before closing her eyes.

"Alexa," she mumbled, "lights off."

The lights blinked before a click—and shut off.


At 5 AM, six hours before her flight was supposed to leave, her mother knocked on her bedroom door.

"Yong-ah! Are you up yet?" Her mother knocked again, jiggling the door knob before realizing that it was locked.

"I'm up," she groggily mumbled before kicking her duvet off. She crawled off of her bed, slipped into her slippers, and—eyes still closed—grabbed the only left piece of clothing she left herself from her now-empty closet.

She slipped into the oversized t-shirt, sweatpants, and leather jacket. Now, it wasn't the most fashionable outfit she could put together, but it was comfortable, and comfortable was much needed on a five-hour plane ride.

As soon as she opened her door, her mother dragged her across the living room before sitting her down at the kitchen counter and stuffing a sandwich in her hands.

"I'm not really hungry," she replied before putting the sandwich down on the counter and walking straight to the bathroom.

She began squeezing out the toothpaste from the almost empty tube before her mom called out from the kitchen: "You can't skip breakfast again, Yong-sun." She could tell her mother's tone had become more serious, but she just rolled her eyes before stuffing the toothbrush in her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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