Episode 1 : Fun times

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Omg partypooper in lvl fun wowzers 😔

Partypooper #45 😩:

I open my eyes to feel a sharp pain throughout my body. Everything hurts, I lift my head and despote the pain i managed to, I looked at the walls. ''What.. Huh-'' My vision my blurry as i couldnt see anything, as my eyes began to clear up i looked around with horror in my eyes ''Level FUN?!'' I yell as i covered my mouth with my hands trying to not make any sudden noise

I look around for anything, I see plates,Hats and possible weopons such as knives and forks, ''I should'nt stay in one place for too long should i-'' I think as i began to walk and explore the level

As i was exploring i hear foot steps, I panic as i franticly lunged under the table, I see yellow feet stop infront of me under the table, I wait and wait, It felt like years , theyre probably not leaving soon i see other tables, I wont stay here forever so i try and plan something, ''Maybe if i.. No thats stupid-- Or- Nahh-'' I mutter as i try to think of something.

Partygoer #63:

I stand infront of the table as i was bored, I just look the slices of cake and ate, I heard something but thought it was my head messing with me, After a few minutes i kept hearing the noise, It sounded like it was under the table? Maybe its a wanderer? Or a entity? I slowly look under the table lifting the rainbow tablecloth to investigate

Partypooper 45 POV:

As i try to think i see a yellow hand  lifting off the table cloth, My heart pounded as i paniced as i saw a paper bag with a smiley face drawn into it , ''You're not a wanderer?-'' my eyes widended with fear as they spoke,

Partygoer POV 💅:

''You're not a wanderer?-'' I spoke as confusion rang through my voice, I look at the entity as i saw its dark blue mask with a frown Drawn into it , Thats when i realised what it was, I gasp. ''You're a partypooper- '' I spoke as i reached my hand out , ''Dont touch me!'' It hissed with a shakey voice as it trembled with fear, '' Oh dont worry-I wont hurt you-'' I try to calm it down as i whispered, ''Stay away!'' It yelled as it violently pushed my hand away, ''But you're gonna get caught if you dont leave-'' I whisper. I reach out my hand again opening it signaling him to grab it.


I looked at its hand, I reach my hand out as i was hesitant, I slowly grabbed its hand as it swiftly pulled me out from under the table B) I gave a high-pitched yelp as i violently flinch looking at it shaking, ''See? It aint so bad!'' I spoke as i look around with horror still clear in my eyes, I see the partygoer with the same smile on its face, Is it gonna eat me? Will it show me to the others? Will it give me a slow. Painful. DEATH? I think about all the things it might do to me, Instead it carefully settles me onto the floor, I almost trip as i look up facing the partygoer, We awkwardly look to the left and right staring at each other , ''So uh..'' The partygoer spoke as it broke the silence '' How did you get here?''It asked as i thought to myself. How did i really get here,'' I-I dont know..'' I stampered as i looked down to my feet ''Oh- Well its fine So do you have a name? I know you can call me Cloud!'' It spoke with joy as it waited for my response, ''My nane is.. mm.. Dull-'' I replied with a soft voice as i looked off somewhere to the right
'' Cool name!'' It complimented me as i look to my feet not knowing what to say, I hear something but the noise ends,Must be my mind,


I look behind my to see two partygoers pointing at me and cloud, ''Oh-''Cloud mutters as the two approach us, I back away and hjd behind behind cloud back scared for my life,


I watch as i see dull walk behind me, I looked worried for him i look at the two slowly walking twoards him. ''Ay! Cant you see you're scaring him!'' I hiss putting my arm infront of Dull protecting him,  ''And? So what if we're scaring him! '' The other yelled back


I see as they argue back and forth, I tremble as i back away under a table covering my ears as i hope the noise stops, I kept cpvering my ears as i heard the muffled sounds stop I look whats going on past the table , I see them franticly searching for something, Its probably me. I peak a little more until i felt a firm grib pull me from under the table, I shreik as it was the two partygoers who have caught me, I look at cloud and the two with fear as i squirmed but realized it was no use so i stopped, I see it glare at me as i look to the left seeing cloud grip my other arm. ''Let him go.'' He spoke firmly as he gently tugs on my arm, ''how 'bout no?'' He replied as he violently pulls on my arm, ''Hes coming with me!'' Cloud hissed as they both argue and pull on my arms (Poor dull 😭)
I could'nt take it anymore, ''Stop it!'' I screech as they stop to a halt looking at me, '' Can you two let me go and stop arguing you're making my ears bleed!'' I yelled as i look at the two pulling my arms away from both.

''Sorry..'' Cloud apologized as he looked embarresed tilting his head to his feet . ''Yeah yeah, But you're still coming with me'' The first one demanded as he grabbed my hand and i tugged away, Im not going with you!'' I cried as i hid behjnd back behind cloud again- ''Well too bad! So give us the partypooper, 63!'' the other partygoer yelled as he swung his fist into cloud's face

1046 Words ^^

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