4 : (Omg more good titles 😍)

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More cloud B)

( Obv clouds pov B) ]

I skid to a halt as i looked both directions, Which way did they go again? Left or right.. I sit there and think for a few minutes, ''Perhaps they went left?'' I thought taking one slow step into the direction, I stop and look behind me hearing a scream, I quickly start sprinting towards the screams, I stop after i ran past something, I slow down taking a few steps back looking to the right, 

I see a door, I started to approach the door slowly , I look down to find a keypad and a lock, I lift my hand pressing a few buttons, I kept pressing them until i heard loud heavy footsteps from the other side of the door only getting louder each second, I look both ways with fear of getting caught as I dive to the right hiding behind a corner, I hear the door open as i slowly looked around the corner,
Oh, Its the lunatic who kidnapped Dull! I glare at him before quickly hiding back into the corner as i saw them look in my direction, After I was sure they turned back, I watch as they enter a code into the keypad, It looked like it was "6380" After they entered the door

I sat and waited patiently waiting for the two morons to walk out the door, I sat for what felt like ages, I closed my eyes until i was jolted away by the sound of a door handle turning i stand up swiftly peeking around the corner, I see two partygoers leaving the room, They were talking about something but that wasnt important, Dull was, I waited for them to walk out of my sight and around the corner, I then quickly darted towards the keypad entering the code and opening the door,

I turn the handle slamming the door open, I stood in the doorway looking around turning my head,
I took a step inaide the room carefully scanning the room with each and every step , I venture deeper inside the room Investigating every object i see, ' Dull? ' I call out whispering,

I halt and turn to the right after hearing some sorts of sounds, I turn my body with my head and approaching the sounds with curiosity, as i step forward i see metal poles, It looks like a cage?
I look down to see a pool of crimson blood.
I faintly gasp as the sight as I look up to see a black figure sitting inside the cage, I squint trying to figure out who or what it was.
As i try to open the door i see a lock preventing jt from opening
I look around for some sort of key
I look on a table seeing a small peice of silver, I collect the item and return back to the cage unlocking and open it.

Dulls POV because yes.

I see the figure maybe its two coming back for more. unlock the cage as i scoot back further away from them, I watch as they lift their arm towards me, I raise my arms infront of my face attempting to protect myself  return, ' No more! ' I yell out revealing myself into the faint soft light.

Moar cloud pov bc yeah B)

I gasp as i see Dull, I look at his face/mask and clothes soaked with his blood, ' Dull? A-are you ok? ' I asked softly as that was a stupid question to ask, He has a knife stabbed into him why would he be ok? ' Im fine.' Dull whispered,
'Alright, C'mon, lets get you outta here.' I replied moving my hand towards his-

'  Hey! '

I hear as i look behind me, Oh no,
It was the two lunatics who took Dull. My expression changed from a face full a fear to a face of hatred as i stood up, ' You! ' I hiss looked at their idiotic faces,
' What are you doing in here!' One yelled as they approached me,
' Im trying to help my friend!'I reply raising my voice.
'pfft- a Friend? The partypooper?'
Two snickered laughing
' He has a name!' I Snapped back growling
' So what? I dont care. '
I hear two simply speak as i couldnt sense any emotion inside his voice.
I snarl as i couldnt contain the anger trapped inside myself now,I run towards them without thinking kicking Two to the ground hitting his balls ( Listen two needed his balls kicked. ) One looked at Two then back at me,
' Why would you do that! Cloud! ' They hissed with anger filling their voice approaching me.
' Cause he deserved it! ' I reply glaring into his eyes,
Before i could move I felt something hit my mouth, I took a few steps back holding my mouth as i felt pain, I look at One with hatred as i removed my hands from my mouth looking down to see my hands, Covered in my own blood looking doqn furthur i see blood from my mouth rapidly drip from my mouth to the carpet producing large pools of it.
' You'll regret that. ' I snarl coldly as i ran towards them full speed yet i was too slow.
I attempted to swing my fist into their face but i missed, Before i could look behind me i feel a strong force push me to the ground as i gave a short weak yelp in pain.
' I dont think i regret anything.' I hear One speak with a smile glued onto his face, I felt my confidence being drained away as my body only felt the emotion of fear,
I see them equip a sharp knife in their hands, They look at the knife then at me,
' Goodbye. =) ' One whispered with a smile as he lifted the knife holding it to my face, He swiftly swung his arm into the air aiming for my face, I close my eyes bracing for impact,
But i only felt...


I open my eyes slowly to see
One gone, I hear a short shreik as i see Dull who is fighting One.

Dulls pov B)

I push One away from Cloud as he was almost murdered,
I snarl at One glaring at him, I see One charge at me at full speeds punching my stomach,
I held onto my stomach tightly groaning in pain.
I looked up seeing One chargeing at me at full speeds lifting him fist,
I quickly move to the left dodging the attack, I take my arms off my stomach speinting up to One biting his arm as hard as i could,
I hear him screech in pain looking down at me squinting,
' You pest! ' I hear him bark at me as i watch his fist impact my face making my head bleed quickly
I look around rapidly panicing as my vision blurred

As my vision began to clear
I squint seeing a tall figure, ' Huh. . .' I whispered as the figure became larger by the second , I look up at the sillouete as My eyes widened
'Oh. .' I sigh as i watch Two grin at him violently pushing me to the ground, I gave a short soft shreik,
Two just snickered at me
As he lifted his fist colliding it into my face,
I held my face with pain covering it with my hands,
I felt blood drip down my face as tears began form I look up barley opening my eyes, ' P-please..' I begged
as i looked up at Two trembling.
'How about... No =)' He smiled as joy filled his voice.
He grabbed my head banging it againts the wall firmly as i watch everything go black.


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