chap 5 : ( Idk any titles that are decent.)

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( Yeah no some ideas in this story are from my friend who directed the torture episode 💀 SO CREDS TO YOU ok lez go >:) ]

Dulls pov because yes.

I struggle to open my eyes as a large amount pain stung my body, I feel cold metal latched onto my skin. I look around yet all i see is pitch black.
Perhaps the lights are off.
I wish to pain were to just go away.
Theres no point in staying awake so I close my eyes and wait to fall asleep.

( Yo yo 4 hours later B)]

I slightly jump awake sitting up looking everywhere before flinching in pain due to rapid movemnt.
I look behind me to see two red eyes studying my every move.
I hear whispering from across as i see another pair of eyes staring at me.
I then look down to see chains locked onto my wrists  preventing any type of escape.
I hear a knock on the door as i whip my head around staring at the door,
I see one walking over opening the door as they greeted the figure standing in the doorway steping to the side letting then come in,

The figure was another partygoer-

I kept my eyes on the third partygoer as I watch the two welcome them in not paying any sort of attention to me.
I sit there, bored laying on my back looking up to the ceiling, after what felt like centuries i see the three walk out the room,
I look as one placed a chair in front of my cage, Why would they need a chair? Are they going to give to the third partygoer or something?

56 POV ( or thd third partygoer-)

' Alright! Make sure to keep an eye on him, and feed him the bread every uh... whenever you feel like it! '
Two stated for the millionth time, ' I think hes heard it enough, anyways we should get going now, we're running out of supply and I cant thank you enough for watching the entity. ' One Spoke as joy could be heard inside his voice.
' No problem! And just a question- what exactly is the entity? ' I ask confused. ' Ehh.. ' both one and tw o looked at teacher other before turning their heads back to me.
' Dont worry about it! We wont be very long right?' Two asked one staring into his eyes wating for a response.
' Im pretty sure we'll be gone for.. around two hours?' One replied,
'Welp, we better get going now, Bye!' I watch as one and two turn their backs walking outside the door closing it. I turn my head looking at the cage in curiousity, I wonder what entity it is, could it be a hound? Another partygoer? a faceling? Thought i shouldnt worry about it too much.
My jobs only to make sure this entity dosent escape.

I walk over to the chair slowly sitting infront of the cage just staring at the shadows at the end of the cage seeing a faint sillouete of a person. ' I know you're probably not going to reply but, what are you?' I ask as curiousty was clear inside my voice.

Dulls pov because yeah :D

' I know youre probably not going to reply but, what are you?' I hear the partygoer ask, I look behind myself keeping my mouth shut not saying anything as i turn back into my original position.
' Can you please tell me? Please!' I hear them beg

Other mans pov bc yes.

' Can you please tell me? Please!' I beg waiting for a response. I watch the shadows seeing the figure look behind themselves staring and me before repositioning themself in my direction. ' Do you even talk? ' I ask curious, I look at their head as I see them nod.
' Is there smth wrong with your voice or something?'
I question as i kept staring at the figure covered in a blanket of shadows.

Dulls pov bc i liek

' S-ort..of..' I manage to reply but my throat hurt. It hurt  badly. I look at their somewhat shocked expression on their face
' So you do talk! but whats wrong with your voice? It spunds so distorted.. and weird'
They question again. When will they leave me alone?
'....Pain..' I mutter gently holfing my throat,
' Oh- okay- ' They quickly respond as they finally kept their mouth shut finally allowing me to have peace and quiet, after a while i hear a door open turning my back i feel a dissapointed expression on my face as i see one and two come in with lots of supply.
' We're back!' Two announced
Carrying a crate of i dont even know whats in there-
' Did the entity cauce any trouble? ' One asked setting down his crate on a table.
' No trouble at all! Still curious as what this exactly is though..' balloon replied stratching their head. (Yes im calling them balloon now.)
' Like we said, dont worry bout it too much!' Two suggested with a wide smile.
'Ah.. ok... well- im gonna go now! Bye!' Balloon annouced as he waved goodbye taking one step outside the doorway until his shirt was pulled bye one,
'Wait! I forgot to pay you!'
One reminded them as he quickly grabbed what looked like a jar filled to the top with a scarlet red. It must be blood.
' Here you go! One jar of blood as payment for keeping an eye on the entity! ' One
Said cheerfully placing the jar inside of balloons hands,
' Oh! Thank you One!' Balloon smiled as they exited the door waving goodbye.

[ Timeskip cuz idk (bout 3 hours now B) ]

I laid on my back looking at the dark grey metal sealing me inside this cage,
' One! Im bored!- Can we please go out somewhere? Like er... Just somewhere please!' I see Two whine as he begged,
'No, im busy. Why dont you do something with the partypooper or something.. Just do something to pass the time.' One responded sternly giving no emotion within his voice.
' Awh! Fine!' Two sighed as he slowly walked towards my cage settling down infront of it. ' What do you even do?' Two questions as he tapped on the metal bars.
I stay silent wishing he'd go away soon.
' Oh c'mon, answer my questions? Im bored as heck you know right?' I hear two beg as he taps on the poles faster ever minute.
The noise is annoying.. ive been here for.. i dont even know how long and i cant stand the noise..
' Stop..-' I request as the metal sounds stop. Hopefully that worked.. ' Why should I?' Two asks as he continued the noise shortly after,
I softly groan in annoyance,
' Ehe- ay One you're right hes kinda fun to mess with hehe!-' Two faintly laughs as he turned his head looking at two,
' See? Now shut up im trying to do something. ' One demands not even glancing at us, I cant take this noise anymore! Its been what felt like 20 minutes as i see even One is annoyed.
I turn my back as i see his fingers slip as it entered the cage. I open my jaws and bite them as hard as possible, I hear pained screeches releasing as One tried to yank his fingers out my mouth, the only that that made me do was dig my teeth into his flesh even deeper he gave one more pull as a big chunk of his flesh ripped off his fingers as kt entered my mouth,
I closed my mouth expecting some sort of rotten flavor but it tastes different.
It dosent taste horrible at all it tastes..


It tastes wonderful.
Better than what they feed me.. Bleh..

' One! This thing just ate my flesh! ' Two screeched staring at his shaking hands
Then lookijg at two waiting for a response.
' Wait it bit you? ' One asked confusion clear inside his voice.
'Yes! ' Two yelled holding his fingers high revealing a  huge spot bleeding as i look down see a big pool of blood already forming, i also look down at the floor of my cage seeing a smaller pools of blood , I scoop the liquid into my hands soaking them,
If the flesh tastes good, why cant this? I hesitantly took a sip expecting a gross bitter taste but instead i was met with a nice metallic flavor.

[ Yay >:) ill probs end it here- dont wanna write too much- BUT i do like the udea from my friend that dull suddenly enjoys the flavor of flesh and other parts like organs n stuff- BUT YAY IM STARTING TO ACTUALLY LIKE MY CHAPTERS NOW! So bye bye!!!!! ]

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