We first meet...

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A Norwegian boy waked up in the morning around 6:00 am he soon got up and went to the shower he had just moved in to the UK for some reasons. As the Norwegian boy was done showering he changed he's clothes and sighed to himself with a smug face he raced downstairs as he's parents were there, there named Paul and Pat, as Paul seen the Norwegian boys face aka there son they said to him "hey don't be like that we just came here cause your original parents died and your not ready to be a red leader so you have to study here for a while..." The Norwegian boy replied "But I don't wanna study here! I never wanted to go to the UK!" He said angrily as Paul sighed he packed he's lunch " Here have fun at school he said" he replied " Make sure you and dad don't make out while I'm at school!" Pat and Paul were shocked and we're bright red.

~Outside the house~

As the Norwegian boy was outside riding his skateboard he heard a noise a few blocks away, It was the second character at the story Tom he was angry that he had to go to school and he did the middle finger to his dad saying "FUCK YOU BITCH!" As the Norwegian boy heard it he ride his skateboard fastly to see the situation, As Tom walked out of the house he had a angry face as the Norwegian boy was skating he went to fast and lost control of the skateboard and bumped into Tom as Tom opened his eyes to see the Norwegian boy on top on him he said " Oi! You good?" As the Norwegian boy saw him he blushes a lil and gets off him and says "I'm very sorry I lost control on my wheels" Tom replied "Eh it's fine" he gets up and replied to him "My name is Tom you?" "Tord Larsson I'm from Norway that's why my accent is a bit you know" he replied "I know" as Tom checks what time it is it is 7:30 am "SHIT IM LATE!" Tord said "where do you study?" Tom replied " Greenfield why?" Tord said "SHIT WERE LATE" as both of them looked at each other tord said " Come on hop on my back!" Tom replied "but why?-" tord hurried to pick up Tom and skated fastly.

This is the end of chapter 1 there will be new characters soon I promise and maybe in chapter 3 there maybe 13+ so yeah coming soon of chapter 2.

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