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"Why not?" Naomi pout.

"Just 'cause," I shrug, staring up at the ceiling from where I lay on the couch.

"Bitch, you're coming shopping with us whether you like it or not. No point in arguing," Scarlett says, her emerald eyes not straying away from her phone's screen.

No use fighting with Scar on this one. That motherfucker knows too much.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

Scarlett glances at Naomi and smirks, flipping her red hair. "And that's how you do it."

Naomi flips her off.

"OH MY GOD," A feminine voice yells, followed by a really really high squeal.

Wincing, we look at each other warily. There's only one person in this world that can hit a note that high. Judging by the excitement clearly present, I can only imagine what has made her so happy. See, when said person is excited, it could mean a lot of things; Usually, her opinion on good things might be a bit concerning.

Ivory bursts through the door of the living room, where we are seated, and resumes her squealing session, typing away furiously to whoever she's talking to on the phone. After what feels like hours, she tucks away her phone, and composes herself well enough to speak properly. "Guess what?" She doesn't stop grinning.

I blink. "What?"

"You're supposed to guess, idiot." She crosses her arms, her hazel eyes giving away all her excitement.

"Oh! I know," Naomi grins, her grey eyes glittering, "Leon and Sadie finally confessed to each other."

Ivory pouts. "No."

Dammit. Whelp, guess we'll have to wait till they turn eighteen, then. Just a month or two till they do.

"Silas got his ass whooped and ego deflated?" Scarlett smirks, sitting straighter.

Ivory facepalms and plops on the couch. "Noo,"

Awh man.

I sit up quickly, startling the rest. "You're pregnant??"

The three grown ass women stare at me like I've grown– well, grown another head.

Bitches, want a picture? It'll last longer.

Scarlett lets out a surprised laugh but it fades when she sees Ivory's face. "Wait, are you?"

Naomi's grey eyes grow wide. "Bu-"

"WHAT?" Ivory interrupts,"Wha- NO, idiots. I don't have a baby in me." She lets out a long exasperated sigh. "Why do I even let you guess? Of course you'll conjure up something like this."

I raise up my hands in surrender. "I don't know either. I just said whatever came up first in my mind."

"And that's what comes- I don't even have a mate-," Iv shakes her head, her long blonde hair which was up in a sleek ponytail swinging a tad bit at the movement. "Never mind."

"Tell us what the news is already," Naomi whines, "My curiosity's eating me up."

The blonde's mood shifts back to what it was a few minutes back. "Okay, so, I kind of overheard your parents talk-" she throws me a sheepish look, "and guess which pack is visiting ours?" She grins.

"You really wanna play guess with us, Iv?" I groan.

"Oh, right. So, I heard, The Night Shade Pack is coming over!"

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