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"'He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.' Damn."

I look up, the sudden appearance taking me by surprise. Silas, who I've known since the beginning of my existence (not kidding, he was there when I was born, albeit just a few months older), sits beside me on the couch. Unfortunately, I was too engrossed in the book to sense his presence.

"How the hell did you get in?" I'm currently sitting on the couch of the living room of my house, and I'm pretty sure there isn't anyone else here to open the door for him. Unless...

"I have a spare key with me." Silas smirks. My god, I completely forgot I had given him a spare key last week to fetch something cause I was a lazy ass. Stupid me. Of course I'd forget to take it back. And of course he'll take advantage of it.

I roll my eyes and hold out my hand. Silas sighs, realizing how stupid he is to remind me of it, and places the key on my hand, reluctantly. Who's smirking now?

"Whatcha doing here anyway?"

"'Was bored," He shrugs.

"You interrupted my reading time cause you're bored...?" I say, calmly whilst I'm boiling inside.

Silas gulps.

One thing everyone knows about me: Never, ever, interrupt my reading time. Especially for reasons like boredom.

I place my book, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, on the coffee table in front of me.

"Tell me one reason I shouldn't be kicking your ass right about... now," I raise my eyebrows.

"Oh, easy. 'Cause you love me,"

"Yeah, no."

"Was worth a shot, I guess," He mumbles. "Okay, got another one. I'm the future beta, so I'm too important to die," He says, proudly.

"Nah, Scarlett can replace you and be beta, so," I shrug.

"Okay now you're just being mean," Silas pouts.

I snicker. "And you're acting like a child,"

He opens his mouth to retort, but shuts it as his blue eyes glaze slightly, making it look as though he's watching something behind me. It isn't too noticeable, but having seen this happen over a hundred times, it's kind of obvious to me. A few seconds pass by as I wait for him and whoever is on the other side of the mind-link to finish their conversation.

"Aunt Sophie's calling us over to her house. She said it's important." Silas frowns and I mirror his expression, wondering what the emergency is.

"Yeah, let me just change real quick."


Silas and I rush over to my parent's house. As I open the front door and step inside, I smell a slightly familiar scent. Huh, who could it be? I try to identify it, but I can't seem to pin-point on who the scent belongs to– as though it is a distant memory. Following the scent, I enter the living room and my vision narrows on the young dark-haired man seated on the couch, surrounded by my family, who are in tears.

"Oh my god." I blink a few times and pinch myself, making sure that I'm not dreaming and my older brother is actually here. My older brother who I haven't seen for five years. Five freaking years.

"Raelynn!" Elijah stands up, smiling wide. And then I'm barreling towards him and he catches me, hugging me back just as tightly, "I've missed you, little sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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