What Happened Here?

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What happened here?

when did this planet lose its cheer

how did it fall to ash and dust

left so long metals turn all to rust?

when did the air become thick as poison

stinging our lungs and having our bodies give up

why did we let it go so far

strangled by our greed and discard for the stars?

when did we stop looking to protect this place

in hopes of living in our lazy ways

continuing to allow our planet to crumble

and allow small children's stomachs to rumble?

so those so lucky to be at the top 

don't have to give up their spot

are they hiding away while the others struggle

to sit in their hot tubs lagging in bubbles?

so have the planet's lights go out

for we have all died from fire and drought

so we could live in our stubborn ways 

and live in comfort for one more day?

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