Chapter Two: The Crossbow Wielding Jackass

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"The hell..." I whisper at the scene below me. A bloodied body laying face up in creek with an arrow protruding out from the male's side.

I learned it's best not to be curious in the apocalypse and would usually leave without further investigation but this time was different.

Something seemed familiar about this male.

'But what was it?'

'There's only one way to find out.'

Carefully I climb down the creek making my way to the unconscious male.

My eyes stare at his slowly rising chest signalling he is indeed alive. For now anyways.

Glancing down at his bloody side where the arrow sticks out I wince.

'That has to be a bitch.'

Finally my eyes land on his face.

I study his face in attempt to jog my memory but to no avail.

'Why does he seem so familiar?'

'Have I seen him before?'

'Perhaps even met him?'

Shaking my head in frustration I mentally scold myself.

'Why do I even care?'

'I'm just wasting time here.'

A growl behind me brings me back to my attention as I spin around to see two deaders heading towards the unconscious man and I.

'Well time to go.'

'If I just stay far from them and stick to the shadows they'll ignore me to go to the unconscious man.'

Quickly I move to the shadowy edge of the creek and crouch down to make myself less noticeable.

Just as I expected the two deaders pay no attention to me and instead advances towards the unconscious male.

Slowly I take soft steps away from the deaders and their next meal.

Glancing back I take note of how close the deaders are to the helpless man and I feel a sick feeling tugging at my stomach.

'What is this feeling?'


'No it can't be. I left people for dead before so what's different this time?'

But deep in my heart I knew there was something different. Something familiar about this man. And I couldn't let him die.

Taking my stance I raise my bow and ready an arrow.

"Hey!" I shout gaining the attention of the two deaders.

They turn to face me. Releasing a hungry moan showing their rotten teeth.

"Ugly bastards." I mutter releasing the arrow into the closests skull and quickly repeat the process to the other.

Yanking the arrows out of the deaders skulls I place them back in my quiver and quickly make my way to the still unconscious male.

"Hey! Sleepin' beauty! Time ta wake up!" I shout attempting to kick the male awake on his uninjured side but to no avail.

'God dammit! I don't have time for this!'

Suddenly I'm ripped off my feet as a deader pounces on me causing me to fall next to the still unconscious male.

Pushing my hands against the deader's chest, I struggle to throw the rotting corpse off as it violently snaps it's discolored teeth at it's potential meal, me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2017 ⏰

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