Ch.5 No Chance

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"Kamiya Nicole Jones, please tell me you did not tell the two most finest brothers in italy that you want to be their friend" I roll my eyes at andrea as i get done telling her what happened last night. If you haven't guessed already, she thinks I'm the dumbest bitch in the world for suggesting we just be friends.

"There is no point in pursuing a relationship when they'll be here in Italy and I'll be in New York saving lives. And its not like dad will let me take a vacation and visit" Andrea replaces her " are you stupid bitch look" with a sympathetic one because she knows what I'm saying is true.

"Just promise me you will have fun. even if it doesn't involve scandalous sex" I smile at her words thinking she finally gets the whole point of my declining the brothers but it soon fades when she cant stop as no her crazy mouth.

"but scandalous sex would be better and would give you something to think about when your frustrated and can't leave the hospital. Walking orgasm leave you weak in the knees"

I look at Andrea like a spider just climbed out from under her fucking skin as she looks at me completely serious. "I'm not here to have some dirty love affair. They can be my most finest italian friends but thats it"

Andrea rolls here eyes at me finally admitting defeat for today and lets go of the whole thing. "Where are they taking you for this whole friend date thing" I shrug my shoulders at Andrea. They only told me to dress comfortable.

"Maybe they'll take to a sex dungeon an-" I hang up the phone before Andrea has anything else wild to say. I put my phone on the charger and so I can head downstairs to see what Julia has made for lunch.I go into the bathroom to wash my hands as my phones begins to ring a ding out of control.

I don't rush to get back to my phone because I know it's Andrea sending bipolar messages to me about hanging up on her. I come back out of the bathroom and check my phone and I can't help but laugh at the messages.


Kamiya🤎's was the FaceTime glitch

Imma kick your pussy lips in for that

Kamiya🤎 can they go in????

Now I'm lonely and have no one to talk to

Kamiya 🤎
study for you calculus test you have on Monday
this is why I tolerate your bullshit

I'm so blessed that you do

I laugh at me and Andrea text messages as I'm walking down the stairs. I notice the picture along the wall but this time I look opposite of me and my mothers pictures. On this walks there are pictures of my dad receiving rewards and shaking hands with some important clients.

I recognize most of them based on who their kids were. My dad would always make me hang out with them In the hopes they would rub off on me. They would beg their parents to take them to work with them.

They would ask for doctor plays ear for Cheri atlas but I was always the odd ball. I never wanted to be a doctor or surgeon and I still don't want to now.

Tristian POV

Dreams used to be a key part in my thinking. I used to love bedtime at night. I would run to my bed in the hopes that a dream would drift into my head.

I don't dream anymore. My dreams have been tainted with nightmares of my kidnapping and my fathers death. There's nothing good left in my head. Only darkness and dread.

But when I look into Kamiya's eyes I don't see darkness. I see and light being shown over all the good. I see my dreams fighting my nightmares in the hopes that I recover from my trauma.

I felt at ease with Kamiya by my side yesterday night. Everything felt as though she was a goddess sent to protect me from the anxiety I feel.

I eyes shift from my computer to the door of my office. An aggressive ass knock comes from the other side. As Monica walks right in with her hands on her hips and a fugly ass scowl on her face.

"Christian came to see me last night but you didn't so I'm came to please you now" Monica begins taking off her jacket to reveal nothing on underneath as she walks towards me.

She begins to unbutton my pants but I stop her before she has the chance to take my dick out like a starved animal. I give Monica a look that tells her no as she huffs and sighs.

"So that girl you and Christian took to the gallery opening is sucking your dick now" Monica angrily yells at me while putting her coat back on.

"Monica you know you're only a slut for me and Christian to take our anger and frustrations on and you only want our wealth and status anyways" Monica let's out a sarcastic laugh as she closes her jacket up.

"I LOVE YOU AND CHRISTIAN. What's wrong with me wanting the money and status to go with that. Maybe if you didn't hide me like some nasty slut-"

"We hide you like some nasty slut because that's what you were when we took you from Morokovs mansion. We offered you a chance at a new life. To start over but instead you said you wanted to be in the brothel. That trait isn't something we're looking for in a queen"

Tears start to brim in Monica's eyes and I almost feel bad for her but it's true. Monica choose the thrill of sleeping with men for money rather than starting her life over.

We even offered her more money but she declined and choose the brothel. Me and Christian might sleep with Monica like we trust her but we watch her every step.

Worry starts to set inside my chest as I think about harming Kamiya based on us not wanting her. I couldn't live with the guilt of her getting hurt on our account. Like how Tessa got hurt.

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