Ch. 6 Old Associates

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"I saw the color drain from her face as time went on."
Christian POV

I hate that feeling you get in public. That feeling you get when someone is watching your every movement. You vulnerable and scared. Usually when this happens the person staring is talking about you.

Other times the person recognizes a certain feature on you but they can't pin point who you are exactly.

In this case the person staring know exactly who I am. I'm currently in the store to pick up some last minute ingredients for our date tonight with kamiya.

We decided that we need some alone time with Kamiya away from the public eye. We're going to be staying and Tristian is gonna cook.

As I move to the frozen section I can hear the sound of Aidens shoes following close behind me as I look at the various ice cream flavors.

I can see him creeping closer towards me as he tries to look inconspicuous. "What do you want Aiden" i say without turning around to look at Aidens face.

Aiden is Tessa's twin brother. They don't look exactly a like but you see the distinct resemblance. I don't turn around to look him because I know I will only see her.

I won't see anything but her and it will try my brain and I won't be able to give kamiya the attention she deserves. "Give me her body back and I won't bother you again"

My eyebrows scrunch up in confusion at Aidens statement. "What the fuck are you talking about"

Tessa's body was buried at her family's burial grounds after she died. I wasn't even allowed at the funeral due to Aidens wishes.

" My mom kept sneaking out of the nursing home at night to dig up Tessa's grave because she didn't believe she was dead." My focus on the ice cream is wiped away as Aiden begins talking.   

" She had a severe panic attack that sent her straight to the hospital. To stop my mother driving herself the grave beside her I dug up her grave, but she wasn't in the fucking coffin Christian."

I can feel the beating of my heart begin to pick up after Aidens confession. This has to be a fucking joke. I swear if he's fucking messing with me, I'm going to hang his head off the roof off the fucking store.

" Tessa's dead, Aiden. I held her lifeless body in my arms. I felt her stop breathing. I saw the color drain from her face as time went on. I don't know what fucking game your playing Aiden but I suggest you stop it before it gets you killed"

I grabbed the first pint of ice cream my hand could reach and I practically ran out of the aisle. Memories begin rushing through my head as a I see a million imagines of Tessa's face run through my head.

The workers at self a checkout look at me like I'm some accident waiting to happen. My phone begins to ring in my pocket and I shakily grab.

Not paying attention to the contact name I answer the phone. I don't say anything into the phone as my hands still shake rapidly. I instantly calm down as Kamiya's soft voice speaks to me on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Christian, I was wondering if you were still picking me up tonight." I take a deep breath before respond to kamiya and I begin swiping the grocery items.

"Yes, I'm checking out of the store and heading to you now amore." I hear kamiya release a breath threw the phone and I finish up checking out the groceries.

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