chapter 1

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Destiny blackwood was a typical teenager until one day, she met her twin sister named Jennifer Willow, but of course they had the same identical features so no one would ever know the difference. Jennifer decided to go over and took Destiny into a building, where she told her that they were twins.Destiny was living in a foster home because her mother, Alice left her when she was three years old. But Jennifer lived in a wealthy family, she had everything that she ever wanted. She didn't even have to ask because she always got her way. The house that Jennifer lived in was huge, with four bathrooms that looked like a spa if you went in there. There was even a huge pool right out by her friend's house. Her name was Raina Chandler. Raina and Jennifer was the best of friend's. After school they went over Rania's house and went swimming,sometimes Jennifer and Rania would sit outside on the porch and tell secrets, that no one else knew but them. Jennifer was very surprised that she had a twin sister that she never knew about, Destiny had told Jennifer not to tell anyone about the twin thing. The next day of school, Jennifer saw Calleigh sitting outside at the picnic table sitting with some of her friend's. There was also her step-sister , Megan Willow. Jennifer never knew what her birthmother was like . she wanted to know why she left her and Destiny. Was it for something else, or was it that she was involved in something secret with the government? Or did Alice just leave them because she thought that she wasn't a good mother? Jennifer knew what she had to do,it was to find their birthmother, but how could she do that and be a typical teenager? Once school was over, she called Destiny's cellphone , and asked her to meet at their usual spot. The place where Destiny and Jennifer met at was a dark creepy abandoned building. The walls were covered in cobwebs, and the building looked like it hadn't been open since 1955. Once Destiny and Jennifer were in the building, Jennifer then gave Destiny the keys to her car. Jennifer's car was a Black convertible, which had Blood Red leather seats. After Jennifer gave her the keys, she said "I'm leaving town to search for our birthmother ! Go back to my house and pretend to be me for a few days." And then Jennifer disappeared. Destiny, who had never had a real family and had struggled her whole life, who can hardly believe it when she pulled up to this beautiful house and She meets her sister's adoptive family. Which would include Ryan and Jodie , and her sweet step -sister, Megan. Once Destiny walked to the doorway and put her key into the lock to unlock the door, she went into the house and , she finds the house to be huge inside. As Destiny starts looking around to see if anyone is home. she Bumps into Jennifer's boyfriend, Tucker Avery. Tucker looked at her for a second, and then he stared deep into her eyes. Destiny just stood there wondering what he was going to do next. "You're not Jennifer, are you ?" Tucker stood back and looked at her surprisingly. Destiny looked like Jennifer, except for one thing. They're eyes, Jennifer's were light green and destiny's were dark blue. "I'm Destiny, her twin sister. I came here looking hoping to meet her. But it looks like she's not here." Destiny said. "Yeah, she left this morning saying that she was going to get a coffee and never came back." Tucker told her, Not surprised. "Jennifer has been talking about you non-stop. " Tucker said . "Okay, thanks! I'll go see her there , then once I meet her,I''m going back home to my boyfriend." Destiny said as she ran out the door, and rushed straight to the store. She bought some Green-colored contacts. Then, she went to the mall and bought some cheap Gucci outfit and put that on . Then she ran back to Jennifer's house.She was so nervous. "I'm home!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Tucker came running in and looked at her eyes. They were blue. That was when he grabbed her and hugged her. Then he kissed her ,like a lot, Jennifer's mom came running in like a crazy maniac. "Tucker, sweaty, your mom said that it's 10:00 and it's time to come home. Her mom said. "Okay ,thanks., Mrs.Willow." He said as he kissed Destiny and left. Destiny went up the stairs and looked at all the doors, and tried to find her sister's bedroom. As she was walking , she saw a blue glittery door, With Jennifer's room in big pink sparkling letters. She opened the door and instantly knew that it was Jennifer's. Everything was blue. The window had a sign on it that said: "Child in here! In case of fire rescue first." Destiny decided that it was too late to stay up anymore so she looked in the closet and put on cupcake PJ"s. Then she laid down and went to sleep. As soon as the alarm clock went off, Mrs. Willow came running in like the house was on fire, and tells me to get up because I'm going to late for school. So I then got up and went straight to Jennifer's closet, which has the most expensive clothes that I have ever seen. The outfit that Destiny had picked out was a really cute blue dress, with Gucci blue heels. Then Destiny walked into the bathroom and put in my blue contacts and then Destiny had to curl my hair, So that Jennifer's poise wouldn't suspect that anything was up. Once Destiny was done curling her hair, She walked downstairs to the kitchen and sat down at the table waiting for Mrs.Willow to put her breakfast on the table. After breakfast ,Megan followed me to the car and we headed to school. Once at school, We got out of the car and walked into school and walked out to the benches where my sister's friends sat at everyday. when we got outside we saw Calleigh Main and Jake Berkeley Sitting together holding hands. We couldn't believe that one of my sister's friends would be dating an unpopular person. Once we got to know Jake, he didn't seem so bad, and my posie thought that now that he was dating Calleigh , he could be popular to. The morning went by really slow and around fifth period I had lunch , so Destiny walked to her sister's locker and there was a note that read: " I know who you really are if you don't keep pretending to be Jennifer, your sister will be killed. Once Destiny was done reading the note, Destiny Knew that she would have to tell someone, but who? The only person that comes to mind is my sister's boyfriend, Tucker. Destiny then went to the lunch room to see if She could find Tucker, Which she did and then took him to a supply closet. I took out my Sister's cellphone and turned the flashlight on, and showed him the note. "I met Jennifer a couple of days ago and she told me that we were twins. At first I didn't believe it, but then I could see the resemblance between us. So we decided to switch places so that she could go search for our birthmother." I told Tucker "So, you're saying that you're the one who I met on the first day, I knew there was something wrong when I kissed you. Usually when Jennifer and I kiss, there is a spark and that didn't happen between us." Tucker responded. "Listen I need your help! If I don't keep pretending to be Jennifer, she will be killed and I don't know what to do." Destiny yelled across the room. "We don't know need to tell anyone about this! When School is over , Jennifer has Tennis practice for an hour, So if you don't want anyone to find out that you're not Jennifer, you better go to the practice." Tucker said. " And the what?"Destiny politely asked. " Then, you will go back to the Willow's house and I will meet you up in your room." He finished But before I could ask why, he was gone. Once school was over , Destiny headed to Tennis practice. After she was dressed she went out to the court. Mrs.Lockhart , our coach asked if anything was wrong, but i just said there was nothing wrong. After practice was over , Destiny went back into the locker room and got changed. she walked out of the locker room and got into her sister's car. As she pull up to the house, And got out and noticed that there was something on the windshield. It was a note that said : Either start looking for your birthmother or your twin sister , Jennifer, will be killed and you will watch her die. Destiny knew that she had to look for our birthmother, but first she had to get a hold of her sister's boyfriend, Tucker."What do we do! I'm so scared for my sister's life!" Destiny told Tucker. "Here's what were going to do!, we are going to call Jennifer and ask her where she is!" Tucker responded. "What happens if she doesn't tell us where she is?" Destiny asked him. "Well, Jennifer doesn't know this, but her adoptive family had a chip installed in her head just in case something like this would happen or if she ever went missing." Tucker reported. "How do we find her?"Destiny asked clearly. "There is only one way to do it, and that would be to sneak into her parent's room and get the device that shows the GPS of where your sister is!" Tucker finally finished. So, that night I went into my sister's parent's room and found the device. The next day at school, Tucker asked me if I got the device and I then showed Tucker the remote that could track where my sister was. That afternoon rolled by really slow, and right after school ,Tucker and I got into his car and went looking for my twin sister. The reason why I went looking for my sister was because I haven't heard from her in a month, and I was really worried that something,bad had happened to her. On the way to go look for Jennifer . I had the remote control in my hands , and well, I couldn't get a good signal, So I rolled down the window and stuck the remote control out and we must have hit a bump because it flew out of my hand. OMG, Tucker's going to kill me once he finds out that I lost the remote control out the window! But what could I do, not tell him and not find my sister , or tell him the truth. I finally decided to tell him about sticking the remote control out the window to get a better Signal and we hit a bump in the road and it flew right out of my hand, onto the road. Tucker wasn't so mad after I told him what had happened. "Now how are we going to find Jennifer?" Tucker practically yelled. But before he could say another word , I checked my voicemail on my phone and there was a new message that said: "Destiny, I'm in some big trouble! There's someone threatening me to go home and not look for our birthmother! Please call me as soon as you get this message." Once the message was over, Destiny dialed Jennifer's number , but, as usual, she got her voicemail. About ten minutes later Jennifer called backand she said that she was at an abandoned building hiding from some guy who had a knife and he had some girl that kinda looked like our birthmother, but she couldn't tell if it was her or not. After we hung up , Tucker asked me what Jennifer said. "Hey, Tucker , Do you know where this is an abandoned building at?"Destiny asked him. "There's a building that no one uses because it went out of business a year ago." Tucker responded"Where is this building at?" Destiny asked "It's by the bus station." Tucker reported. "That's where I met my sister for the very first time." Destiny told him. Then we drove out of the parking lot and headed to the bus station, and as soon as we were parked, Destiny ran into the building, but it was so dark that she couldn't even see where she was going. Once she opened the door, there was a body on the floor. she thought that it was Jennifer lying on the floor, but she saw the face, and she knew that it wasn't Jennifer. So Tucker and Destiny decided to go look around for Jennifer.

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