chapter 8

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"Can you tell me anything about your surroundings, anything that you can tell

me so that I can help you." The 911 operator continued. "Where's Destiny, I

thought that she was with you?" Tucker asked "No, the last time that I saw her

was when she was talking to my dad and you dad." Jennifer reported. "Well,

that's been almost three hours ago." Tucker responded. When Tucker was finished

talking there was a news report about a wealthy rich girl that went missing.

After Jennifer and Tucker saw the picture that instantly knew. "Destiny oh my

god, what are we going to do?" Jennifer asked. tucker then turned the volume up

and the news reporter was saying " There was a reporting about a young rich girl

that went missing, her name is Jennifer willow. "The reporter finished. Jennifer

and Tucker then heard footsteps and Tucker saw Mr.willow coming towards the

doors so Jennifer and Tucker went out the window and was waiting for Mr.willow

to leave. Once Mr.willow left the room Jennifer and Tucker went back through the

window and into the room. "I can't begin to imagine what kind of torture Destiny

is going through." Jennifer implied. "Look Jennifer we are going to find your

sister Destiny and bring her home." Tucker responded. When Destiny woke up,

she saw that she was in a dark room with very little light. Destiny didn't know

what the guy wanted. Maybe he was the killer , but why would he want her. She

thought that the killer was going to kill her. "What do you want with me!"

Destin screamed. "What I did to your birthmother." The killer responded. "N...No

please don't kill me." Destiny pleaded. "It's too late you, and your bitchy friends

need to stop investigating." The killer said. Once the killer was done talking, he

got a phone call and he went to answer the phone. "Hello, this is Timmy Evans

what can I help you with?" Timmy asked "We have a big problem, I think that

Jennifer found out that she had a twin sister named Destiny." Mr.Avery

complained. "Look i have it all under control I caught Destiny and I'm going to

kill her." Timmy advised. "Do whatever it takes, just get rid of her. I don't want

Mrs.Willow to know about the twins, it will just make her upset and I don't want

her to find about them, just keep it a secret." Mr.Avery stated. Destiny knew that

last name because she fell in love with Eric Evans. She also knew that she had to

get out of this alive and tell the others about the connection. Timmy went up

stairs to get something, but she didn't know what he was getting. Destiny saw a

pipe in his hand. "Wh...What are you doing with that!" Destiny screamed. "It's

time." Timmy announced. "T...Time for what?" Destiny asked. "To be killed, just

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