Chapter 1

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Another new story, just like I promised! Let's just... ignore how badly in need of an update my other stories are... But uh, yeah! I've been working on this one for a bit, trying to develop a plot that's cohesive and such. So I figured that it wouldn't hurt to share it with you guys for feedback!

I've read a few Helltale stories here on Wattpad, but they were either left unfinished or their endings weren't satisfying to me. So I figured, since I'm such a big simp for Afterdeath, why not write my own take on the concept?

The base ingredients are the same; Geno is an atheist that lives with two Satanists and two Christians, and Reaper is Satan himself. But beyond the two meeting and eventually growing close, I've changed things up quite a bit in my opinion for the rest of the plot. So I hope you guys enjoy and find this to be a fresh take if you've read the other Helltale stories on here!


Geno sighed as he tried his best to block out the noise of his roommates bickering across the hall, hearing the four of them go back and forth almost incessantly. It wasn't anything he wasn't used to; the four of them were nearly constantly at each other's throats, split into two groups of two with the poor skeleton caught in the middle. While he could've kicked them out long ago for their petty squabbling, he found it was oddly soothing as it reminded him of his own brothers that he used to live with. Plus, they all did their assigned chores and were all quite amicable with him, even if they were constantly bringing up their religions.

As an atheist, the scarfed skeleton could care less about his roommates' beliefs... which is probably how he ended up living with two devout Christians and two Satanists. He wouldn't have pegged any of them for being so crazy into their religion when he first met them, as they all seemed relatively normal. Quirky, yes, but nothing that would've ever tipped him off to the rituals and prayers he would be surrounded by.

The Christians were Stella and Azir, while the Satanists were Mari and Brock. Stella was a biologist by trade, which struck Geno as odd once he learned of her beliefs, but the woman was extremely kind and supportive, which made her always welcome. Azir worked as a computer programmer during the weekdays, often spending his weekends with his church for various functions or assisting. He was by far the busiest of the group, though he helped out with tech issues whenever he could so they at least all still had working wifi. Mari was... chaos. It was hard to explain the other girl in the house with any other word, and it had honestly nothing to do with her beliefs. Some thought she was insane, namely the Christians, though she found the accusation funny more than anything. Her job seemed to change every few months, nobody really knowing what she did though she did pay her portion of the bills without fail. Brock was a quiet person, a stark contrast to his crazy friend and fellow Satanist. While his style was gothic in the house, he apparently worked as a nurse and was relatively normal despite the way he dressed.

That left the lone atheist in the house to enjoy the peace of his books, believing himself to be the most outwardly normal compared to any of them. He was just a simple librarian, someone who loved his job and chose to live with this chaos in order to allow him to continue living the life he wanted. The small skeleton kept to himself mostly, his brothers off living their own lives and his few friends often busy enough that they left him alone. To him, being alone was both a blessing and a curse; he never felt pressured to open up to anyone, but at the same time there was always that void in his soul that he knew the exact cause of.

As the volume of the arguing grew louder, Geno sighed as he marked his place in his book and got out of his reading chair to break it up. "Alright guys, I think you better stop before we get a noise complaint," he quietly pointed out as he entered the room, his voice somehow commanding their attention despite its low volume.

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