Chapter One

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            I was just seven years old when my best friend Fern and I were separated from our family, and brought into the human realm. It's been almost six years, now, and we're determined to make it back to our dimension known as the demon realm, or The Boiling Isles. We aren't even humans. Fern is sort of like a Basilisk, but she has a tail. And I'm just a normal witch, born into a family of other witches.

            Of course, with us being in the human realm, we haven't seen our real family in an extremely long time. I mean, we haven't been living by ourselves for six years, we have a family who decided to take us in. I think I would have preferred to live on my own though. The family that has been taking care of us consists of a mother, a father, and two younger children about the ages of eight and ten. They own a parrot too, and I still don't know what the purpose of that squawking annoyance is.

            Fern and I still don't really know how to make it back to the Boiling Isles, but that's why there's a library in this town. Our adoptive family is pretty oblivious to everything. They think we're just lost kids who couldn't do anything. They don't even know we're a different species. So, whenever we go out, we just tell them we're going to the library or a friend's house.

            On this particular Sunday in late afternoon, we've decided to go to the library. Except we are actually going there this time, instead of just taking random walks through the woods around the abandoned shack back there. So, at around three in the after-noon, we set off.

            "Mama, we're going to the library now," I yell to my adoptive mother.

            I don't usually refer to her as my mother unless she can hear me. I call her by her first name, being Keira.

            "Okay, be back by dark!" Keira yells back in a high-pitched tone.

            "Why are we going to the library again?" Fern turned to ask me.

            "So, we can find out how to open a portal door, so we can get home," There has to be something in a book, right?

            Fern and I walk down the road to the library, when we spot a kid that looks to have been in our school. We didn't know him, and we didn't want to. Keira thinks I have friends, but in reality, all I have is Fern. I didn't want to bother with making friends, when I know I'll have to leave this place someday. Besides, Fern's been my best friend for almost my whole life, and she's the only one I need.

            We don't stop to converse with this kid, but he gives us weird stares like he knows something about us. We only had a couple hours before we needed to head back home, so we started running down the street to the tall building filled with all sorts of literature. Once we got there, we were nearly out of breath.

            "Do you wanna stay here?" I asked Fern, knowing she doesn't really like public spaces, even if there aren't a lot of people.

            "No, I think I'll be alright, Addy," She said, with a smile. Even though my real name was Addison, she'd always called me Addy.

            We opened up the big wooden door of the tall structure, and walked in. There weren't a lot of people, as usual, just the librarians, and a couple of people reading at desks.

            "Excuse me, do you have any books on the history of this town?" I asked the librarian.

            She pointed behind some other bookshelves at a big section just for history. Fern and I walked towards it, and started looking for books on the old town of Graves field. There were shelves and shelves of books, almost up to the ceiling. About thirty minutes later, Fern and I had about three stacks of books, each with six books each. I glanced up at the clock, realizing that we only have two hours to get through almost eighteen pieces of historical literature. So, we might as well get started.

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