Chapter Four

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My mother used to say you could be anything, as long as you're happy. But that doesn't connect to things like careers or jobs, it connects to how you live your life. How you see the world, and what you do with yourself. It connects to how, even though you might be different, or people might not approve of you, it doesn't matter. As long as you're happy. Which is why I'm going to do whatever it takes to stay with Fern

After we wasted about thirty minutes of time, we set out to the shack in the woods. This may be the last time we run through the woods together. I'll admit that even though I want to go back home, I'll miss running through the woods and going on walks with Fern.

"Addy, are you... okay?" Fern asked me when we reached the shack.

"Yeah it's just, I'll miss running through the woods with you."

"Yeah... me too," She smiled

I smiled back, and we went inside towards the map on the wall. We decided we would use the paper and pencils to trace over the map so we could follow it easier. Fern began tracing, and I stepped outside to keep watch of any adults.

I don't know what it is, but I feel like I don't belong here. I feel like I shouldn't be making Fern do all these things.

When Fern and I were separated from our family, it was somewhat my fault. We were wondering the woods on the Isles, and we found a tiny bit of sparkling dust scattered in a line leading to a pile of rocks. Fern thought we shouldn't go closer, but I persuaded her to come with me. I touched the rocks, and a portal appeared. Of course, we went in, and it closed behind us. And now we're here.

It sounds like a simple mistake, but really, it was my fault. And I feel like I should be doing something about it rather than sitting around and letting Fern protect me.

"Hey Addy, I think I finished tracing everything!" Fern called to me.

"Okay then we should get going!" I called back.

Fern came out of the shack, and we examined the map. It seemed to have gone out into the woods for a bit, then came into a small lake. So, we had no time to lose.

We ran some more, our last time through the woods. Following the map for about thirty minutes, until we stopped to take a break.

"You think we're almost there?" Fern asked.

"Probably," I say back.

We sit on a log a few minutes longer, our hair blowing in the breeze. Suddenly, I get a burst of encouragement. I'm going home. Home to my mom. And everything else. It'll be alright, and I'll stay with Fern. I'll be the person I've always strived to be. The courageous person, the quirky person, the person that is me.

"Hey Pinecone," I ask.

"Yeah?" Fern returns.

I lay on my back staring at the sky. "Do you ever imagine what it'll be like when we're older? Like, if we'll still be friends?"

"Well, I don't know what the future holds, but... yeah. We'll be even better friends then we are now," She lays down with me.

We stare at the sky, thinking about everything we'll do when we get home. But what was all of this for? This crazy adventure, when we could have just stayed here. Was it all just to get back home? Or was it for, our friendship? What did it all mean, when we could have just done nothing? That, I still don't know. But what I do know, is that it'll be okay.

Fern decides we should keep going if we wanna make it home soon. So, we continue to run. We run like two wolves on a full moon. Our hair still blowing in the breeze. A little while longer, we approach a shallow, small lake. And, the stone structure on an island in the middle. This is it. But, we still have to find the Titan's blood.

"How are we gonna get over there?" I say.

"We could... swing over on that branch?" Fern suggests

I'll admit, I did NOT want to do that. And Fern could see it. But unless we wanted to get wet, we had no choice.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll do it together, and I'll always be here to pick you up if you fall," Fern smiled. I smiled back.

And the next thing I knew, I was swinging over the water on a VERY loose vine.

"I made it!!" Fern was so happy. "You made it!!!" She was still smiling.

Once we were both over on the island, we searched through the dirt. The people who

were here last had to have left some of the blood behind. I mean, they left a map, so there has to be a way to get back.

After hours of searching, it was starting to get dark.

I looked over to Fern, her green hair blowing, and her sparkling blue eyes staring right back at me. We stared at each other for what felt like a really long time, even though it was probably five seconds.

"Uh so, did you find anything?" Fern asked. She looked away, and seemed kind of nervous.

"Actually, I think I just have," I said, when spotting something shiny out of the corner of my eye.

A little glass vile, with blue liquid in it. It had to be Titan's blood. Fern called me over to the stone arch, and we put the Titan's blood on the ground. Nothing happened for a really long time. It had to have been at least five minutes, and we were kind of starting to lose hope. Then Fern went over and opened the tiny bottle, and dropped the liquid itself on the ground. And what happened next, kind of made me feel a bit stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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