4. Stupid

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Sa'ria POV


"You guys suck." said Au'nong. We had just started are second lesson on riding Ilu and he was already insulting us. how kind.

"bro, we just started." said Neteyam speaking my exact thoughts. "we'll still, you guys can't even last 10 minutes under water without going up for a breath" he exasperated rolling his eyes.

"No normal Na'vi can spend 10 minutes under water let alone more?!" He shouted furrowing his eyebrows looks around. I nodded in agreement mostly to make him feel better.

"I have an idea" Tsireya said with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes.


This is so humiliating. When Tsireya said she had an idea this is not what I expected but here we are, all of us sat in a circle of some sort of rock island. Learning how to breath properly.  I mean I do understand why we're doing this because if we don't learn how to hold our breaths properly it could be potentially dangerous.

that doesn't make ur any less embarrassing though.

after Tsireya had given us a basic introduction it was up to us to practice breathing.

"Lo'ak your heartbeat is fast" I was zoning out when I turned my head and saw Tsireya leaning down with one hand on Lo'aks stomach and the other on his chest. I admit it was a pretty funny sight seeing Lo'ak get all flustered but at least I was mature enough not to laugh.

I see Neteyam and Roxto chuckling and stifling laughter as Lo'ak musters 'sorry' to Tsireya.

Roxto catches me looking at him and Neteyam and I just roll my eyes and continue practicing the breathing methods.

"Roxto, are you dumb? I brought you along to help Ria with her breather" Tsireya said sitting up and rolling her eyes.

"what?" He looked startled.

"you heard me" she crosses her arms "go on, just how I did with Lo'ak" He breathes out looking into my eyes then suddenly leaning down to out one hand on my stomach and another just above my chest near my colar bone.  He looked nervous. "ok juts breath from down heat and up" he said as he gently pressed onto my stomach.

I did as I was told because well I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous at the moment.

"Slow down your heartbeat, relax" He said looking up to me, I looked down at him and I had to admit that in this light and this position he didn't look bad.

We kept practicing this breathing until we finally decided to call it.

I wanted to hang out with Kiri because we hadn't hung out 1 on 1 since we got here.  I told her and we went to go explore the Island for a while admiring the scenery. Until we reached a small beach.  Kiri immediately went to go lay down in the water and admire the sand. I'll admit I thought it was a bit odd but I didn't mind and just sat next to her closing my eyes enjoying the sun.

We stayed like that a good 5 minutes until a heard footsteps coming towards us.  "look at her she's just staring at the sand." One of Au'nongs friends said completely ignoring my presence. Kiri heard them and stood up me standing up with her.  "are you some sort of freak?" Au'nong asked sticking his hand out. "no" Kiri scoffed and rolled her eyes.  " I mean come on your not even real Na'vi" he tried to grab her hand but she pulled away, then we tried again succeeding that time. That's didn't last long before I stepped in between them and put my hand on his chest to emphasize me telling him to back off. I looked up at him as I said with a scowl "if we're not even real Na'vi why the fuck are you so obsessed with us, like be so for real just back the fuck off."

"Come on Ria you can't bad mouth us like that especially not the Chiefs sons." Roxto said with a slight smirk, not this bitch right now. 

I turned to him instead looking up and saying, "and why the fuck not?" I said narrowing my eyes. "He's the chiefs son, ria this is our turf" He said rasing his eyebrows.

"Oh my god guys?!" I said lifting my arms up sarcastically in surrender "It's his turf?! let me just bow down to you guys real quick." I said making a fake bowing motion. "You want me to suck your dick or some shit? you say all that as if I'm gonna give two fucks?" He suddenly takes a couples steps towards me probably expecting me to step back.

But I don't, I stand my ground. putting my hand on his chest looking up at him. "Hey, back off fish lips" Lo'ak starts walking towards us menacingly.

"oh another 4 fingered freak" on of Au'nongs musty friends said "look at his little baby tail" the Other crustier one said. pulling on Lo'aka tail.
"don't touch me" Lo'ak turned around pushing him back. They started pushing him around.

"Why y'all so obsessed just leave us alone" I said furrowing my eyebrows. Suddenly Neteyam came up and pushed Au'nong back. "You heard what she said, leave them alone" "ahh big brother comi-" One of the dusty ones started when Au'nong out his hand out stop him. "back off" he scrunched his nose "Now" he said poking his chest pushing him back. Au'nong put his hands up in surrender while smirking. Neteyam put his hand on my back as we started to walk away.

I heard them mutter something about my family as we walked off, oh fuck no. Me and Lo'ak turned around at the same time, I know we were both thinking the same things. Stuff like that where we just think to do the same thing, or say something at the same time has been happening since we got out of the womb. It's just a twin thing I guess.

Since I was closer to Neteyam he managed to grab my wrist to stop me.

"Lo'ak" Neteyam started already knowing where this was going. "I got this bro" he said with a small barely visible smirk. I gave him one back knowing exactly what he was going to do.

he walked up to Au'nong " I know this hand is funny, look i'm a freak" he said moving his pinky "alien, but It can do something really cool." I put my hand over my mouth to hid my smile. "Look first I ball it up really tight like this, then" He whipped Au'nongs smirk right off his face and replaced it with a shocked 'O' face as he punched him with his right and, then his left, then his right again knocking him onto the ground.

"It's called a punch bitch" He said devilishly "don't ever touch my sisters again" He pointed at them.  Suddenly Au'nong got up and charged towards Lo'ak.

Then they got in a full blown fight. Lo'ak was practically getting jumped so Neteyam jumped in and helped.

Me and Kiri started hysterically, laughing. oh we were gonna get in so much trouble later.


a little filler chapter guys. I've literally been so busy lately so that's why I haven't updated I apologize.

Guys I went to a basketball game today and Oh my lord this guy was so fine like literally so fine. I'd don't rizz him up tho :( i was too shy

guys i been stressing cause i'm getting braces again like bitch? but whatever I guess

home y'all enjoyed this it's kinda short but wtv.

I didnt proof read btw

adios yall


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