Chapter 1

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Funtime Foxy was looking at the bacon soup aisle at the soup store. Lolbit was looking for noodles, but there wasn't any noodles. Lolbit started to look for a worker, then she saw one. "Hey, do you still have any noodles with some nacho cheese?" Lolbit blurted out, the worker replied with, "No, I'm sorry, but we are out of noodles." Lolbit starts to get mad and storms out of the place without Foxy knowing. Foxy grabs all of the soup from the store, then notices Lolbit is no longer in the store. "Lolbit, where did you go?", "Are you hiding from me or are you trying to be a pimple again" Foxy shouted inside the store. There was no response, it was silent, except for the horrible copyright free music playing inside of the store. 

Meanwhile, Lolbit reaches back to the pizzeria about 10 minutes later, but the sky suddenly turns purple, and Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon, El Chip, Vanny, and Circus Baby randomly spawn in front of Lolbit's eyes, then they pull out 8 packets of noodles and showed them to her. "GIMME" screamed Lolbit. El Chip flew like a ghost and hid every packet in random places, then Vanny froze Lolbit into a freezing pose in front of the entrance, and put a chat bubble above her that says, "I need you to go get noodles for L O L B I T!"

 Back at Foxy's POV, he was searching everywhere in the store for Lolbit, then he said to himself, "Maybe I should go check the pizzeria, cuz maybe she went back there." So that's what Foxy did, he ran to the pizzeria to see if Lolbit was ok. Around 5 minutes later, Foxy started to see the sky go from sky blue, to purple. "Am I seeing things or is this real", Foxy thought to himself, as he was walking throught to go see Lolbit. 5 more minutes after that, Foxy gets to the pizzeria, then he sees some mysterious figures disappear. Lolbit sees Foxy, but she is absolutely frozen, and she can't do nothing, neither can she say anything, cuz she can only say "I need you to go get noodles for L O L B I T" Foxy runs to her, but gets flashbacks to Lolbit t-posing randomly whenever Vanny was around. "Something isn't right here", said Foxy, "I need you to go get noodles for L O L B I T!", Lolbit was forced to whisper this, and Foxy just nodded his head and entered the pizzeria.

 "Let's do the kitchen first", Foxy said, then he hears a sudden voice of "No cooking" inside the kitchen. Foxy sneaks into the kitchen so he could hear who was saying it. It was El Chip. "are you kidding me?!" whispered Foxy, "How will I get those noodles for Lolbit, I gotta find out somehow." As Foxy said that, El Chip leaves the kitchen. Foxy looks, then rushes to look for noodles by looking in the draws, sink, and fridge, he only finds 2, but then, he steps on a creeky board, and El Chip hears it. El Chip glides to the kitchen and sees Foxy, holding the noodles in his hands. "I can explain", said Foxy. "Get out of my kitchen now" yelled El Chip, coming at Foxy, Foxy was confused so he sat there. El Chip grabbed him and gave him a jumpscare, then Foxy respawns back outside with no noodles. "WAIT, where did the noodles go?" Foxy realized, then saw in the window, El Chip was putting the noodles back. "Hmmmm, lemme think of an idea, I'll wait for him to go upstairs, then I'll grab them, hopefully he doesn't see me". Foxy enters the pizzeria after El Chip leaves the kitchen and goes upstairs.

to be contiuned.......

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