Chapter Five Beginning of the great twisting chaotic entertainment

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Surprise, that was all that Kawari saw as he walked the path into the school.

The looks of all those humans as he walked next to a woman who's beauty rivaled that of any goddess told within stories.

And the way she carried herself, such a commanding pressence, one of such authority and dominance.

"Hot damn."

"Damn she's sexy."

"*Whistles* holy shit, dude she's tall as hell. Didn't know we had a hot Amazon walking around school now."

"Guys, the fuck are you all ogling at? Pay attention and get on. I don't want to sit here and hear you all simping over the new girl, sure she's tall and she's hot but No way in hell are we getting her attention. So just end your childish fantasies now before you get hurt from them."

"Oh man stop being such a buzzkill and being so serious all the time, and loosen up. I mean just look at her how the hell can you not be interested by that beauty?"

"No, I don't think I will, now if you need me I'm going to be in the lifting room working out."

The man felt, But unfortunately many did not follow his examples because just like the boys, the women weren't so different either when it came to there views of this new girl.

"Hot damn! I ain't even gay and I would gladly tap that!"

"Mommy? I'm sorry Mommy!?"

"Lucy chill, we know how gay you can be to any person who has tits and a vagina, but please try and keep it to yourself and not make such a seen."

"The hell if I am!!"

*Sighs* God damnit."

However as this went Nyarlathotep and Kawari weren't paying the many attention Well more like the crawling chaos couldn't give a shit about them, but found there comments amusing.

"So my entreat, where to first?"

"Hmm the lab."

"The lab? For what reason?"

"Don't try and act like you don't know."

"Ohh I do, but I want you to say it."

"Hm then you out of luck, after all I don't feel the need to repeat myself to someone who already knows my plans."

"Oooh? How bold of you. An Outer God ordered you to speak and yet you don't. You know that could get you killed correct."

"Ya I know, but again, if you think I'm scared of you then your going to have to try harder Nyarlathotep. After all it's quite hard to be scared of you when I got to see this "All powerful Eldritch God" act like a school girl."

Nyarlathotep groaned. "You sound like Darkness."

"Guess we share similarities then."

Nyarlathotep just remained silent seeing as she wouldn't be able to win this round she watched him walk forward, looking around at all the people she smirked as she used her power to extend her shadow and have it attach to another, the student in question just flat out called as the others around the unconscious student stepped back in worry with Kawari turning to look at her. As Nyarlathotep just held her hands up as a more human expression took over, one of a startled girl.

"Oh no! Kawari you have to help him!"

'... Oh now I see... That's a low blow Nyarlathotep.'

Going to the downed male he focused some of his mana into him but sensed something blocking it, looking back he saw the sadistic smiling of Nyarlathotep as her hair cases a shadow over her eyes.

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