Chapter 1: Muse

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(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name
(A/N) = Author's note

It was almost 6pm in the evening. Quickly yet steadily, you climbed up a familiar tree where you learnt that you could get the best views of every hustle and bustle of the plaza. Including, the performing stage of the plaza.

In a hurry to not miss the performance happening soon, you scrambled through your bag for your sketchbook and art supplies.

See, you're an artist. The idea of creating scenes and capturing moments through merely strokes of your pen enticed you. You poured emotion and passion into every one of your drawings and loved doing so. And lately even more so-- Four years ago, to be exact. You had found your muse, even though you wouldn't ever admit to it due to embarrassment.

As you fumbled through your bag, your eraser slipped and fell out. You let out a gasp: "Not again! Why is it always the eraser that gets lost...."
Then, you heard the flutter of soft feathers and felt a light weight land on your shoulder.
"Oh, Arturo!! You saved my eraser! ¡Gracias!" you exclaimed happily.

Arturo was a magpie that you became acquainted with over time when you first started camping out in the tree. At first, you feared the bird which everyone proclaimed a "feisty food-napping terrorist". But you found that it was actually quite friendly for most of the time. It even occasionally brought you shiny objects as gifts which you would use to decorate your art with.


"Hear that grita Arturo? It's him!" you whispered excitedly.

"Squawk." Although you couldn't understand magpie language, you could tell it was very unamused. This had been Arturo's usual attitude lately whenever you'd bring up that certain topic, and began when you started to draw it less due to your newfound muse... (Arturo is very jealous.) You simply rolled your eyes and shifted your gaze back to the stage where the boy your age stood.

You admired the flair of fortitude he displayed

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You admired the flair of fortitude he displayed. And no, it wasn't because of the crimson mariachi suit decorated intricately with gold embroidery that he wore, nor the large sombrero hat that made the boy seem more bold and bigger than his actual size. It was the his gentle yet passionate voice that captivated you instantly, the pure love and joy on his face as he made music, and his lively demeanour whenever he was onstage that set your heart ablaze.

(A/N: This following part is more of a background of your character!)

Confidence in yourself was always something you lacked as you were always sensitive to what others thought of you. Your family did not restrict your hobby of art, but they would constantly belittle it and make it seem like no one in the world cared for coloured pieces of paper.
It caused your self-esteem to drop and you started condescending your art as well. You'd blame yourself for not being good enough in art (even though you were actually exceptionally talented) and was about to give up on drawing forever.

That was until you heard the story of the Riveras.

A man called Hector Rivera, who wrote a song for his daughter and his daughter only, but met an undeserserved and unfortunate demise caused by whom he thought was his "best friend", who took that song and exploited it to the rest of the world for selfish desires. Hector made music out of love, not for fame, and didn't feel the need to boast his strength to the world. It made you realise what others think of your art shouldn't be the top priority, but what YOU thought about it.

And then there's Miguel Rivera, who although was chained by tradition still followed his heart for music. And eventually, his bravery and music was what led to the discovery of an old scandal while bringing his family together closer than ever. You related so closely to the passion Miguel had, and it inspired you to never let go of what you love, and make use of your talents to bring joy.

Because of that, you felt inspired to capture the passion of the Riveras on paper, which eventually led you to camping on the tree again just to watch Miguel Rivera perform and sketch him.

(A/N: ok now finally back to the present-)

"What colour is the sky? Ay mi amor, ay mi amor" 🎶

"Man, how nice would it be for someone to call you 'mi amor' like that Arturo?" You teased. "Haha, I bet you don't get any male/female birds-- OW!" Arturo had jabbed your arm with its beak and let out a few nasty squawks before flying to another branch. Geez...

...But really, how nice would that be?
Your cheeks flushed a little as you thought about it. You swear you don't have a the tiniest crush on Miguel Rivera-- A guy whom you've never even interacted with personally at that! How preposterous! It's probably just because his voice is too good in evoking emotions. If he were to sing a song about bowling, you would probably start bowling too! Exactly!

"What are the chances of me ever having to meet him anyway, haha."

Well... Very high, it seems.

My Songbird [Miguel Rivera x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now