Chapter 2: Glissando

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"Urgh, it's that Rivera again."

You heard the grumbles of two men right under the tree where you camped. They were dressed up in suits and wearing mariachi hats, guitars hung on their backs. Seems like they're musicians.

"He's really starting to get on my nerves. He's been hogging the spotlight ever since the news broke out that his great-great-grandfather was the one who made the songs and Ernesto de la Cruz was a conman who stole them."

"Right? He's so full of himself. I bet the story is just a fraud, honestly..."

"Hey...If he loses his so-called 'great-great-grandfather's guitar' , he won't be able to play anymore, would he?"

"Yeah... Doubt he'd ever have the face to play ever again either if he lost something so precious, hahaha."

The two men exchanged nods, almost as if they had agreed on a plan. It can't be any good... They don't actually plan on stealing Miguel's guitar do they?

"I NEED to do something." you immediately thought to yourself. "How can I let these jerks get away with crushing the dreams of such an amazing human being?? I wouldn't dare imagine not seeing Miguel Rivera ever play again. But what do I do?... I'm too weak to beat them up." (A/N: Y/N why is your first instinct to beat them up--)

By now, one of the two men had already approached Miguel, seemingly trying to distract him by striking a conversation and leading him elsewhere. The other started to sneak up to where the guitar had been set aside. Oho..Not on your watch.

"Psst! Arturo! Oh great and mighty Arturo!!! Please help me distract that guy over there! The one trying to grab the guitar!" You whispered pleadingly to the magpie which upon hearing your words, seemed very pleased, puffing its feathers proudly before swooping off.

You got off the tree and ran. When you got there, Arturo was doing a great job of harassing the theif by pecking him all over. As that played out, you quickly swooped in to grab the guitar and--

"Hey!" the man grabbed your wrist with one hand, clenching poor Arturo in the other. "Hand over the guitar, niño." "Let me go!" you replied wincing. This guy should really consider becoming a professional wrestler instead.
Eventually, after some heated struggle, the man let go of his other hand, releasing Arturo, and then forcibly grabbed the guitar from your hand. In retaliation, you step on his foot, causing the man to yelp and let go of the guitar, sending it flying...

There was no time to think. You ran, although you knew very well that the chances of catching it were very slim. You closed your eyes, throwing yourself onto the ground where the guitar was headed.


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"Arturo! We did it! I managed to hug onto the guitar and cushion the fall! And... also somehow not feel that hurt?"
...Someone had also cushioned YOUR fall.
You darted your head back to check on the person you happened to land on in the attempt to save the guitar and it was none other than: Miguel Rivera.

"¡Dios mío! This is not how I imagined meeting you would be like- Are you okay??" Oh dear oh lord oh god oh goodness gracious you would never EVER forgive yourself if you had hurt this precious boy and stop him from ever playing music ever again--
"Ah... I'm fine!..You weren't that heavy. Urgh.." Miguel tried his best to sit up.
"How about you?..Eh? Why do you have my guitar?"
"I can explain--But more importantly, you're not fine!! Your cheek is hurt!!"
Miguel instinctively lifted his hand to touch the graze-- It stinged a little and he winced.
"Wait here! Arturo, stay with him!" you said before you sped off back to the tree where you left your belongings. You kept a mini first-aid kit in your bag in case of emergencies like this. (A/N: emergencies of what y/n? your bf getting hurt mid-performance so you can swoop in and save the damsel in distress? DON'T LIE Y/N YOU FANTASIED IT) You spent most of your time outside sketching, so you made sure you were well-prepared for any situation outside home.

"Hold still!" you said as you tended to the wound on Miguel's cheek.
Miguel would not stop moving or letting out subtle whines despite you being as gentle as you could.
"It stings!" Miguel replied.
"Well just... look at me! Okay? Don't focus on the pain. I'll be quick, I promise. "
True enough, Miguel started to move a lot less. In no time, you had finished.
"There! All good! Wasn't so bad huh--Ah. Uhhh.. Ahem."
You never noticed the close proximity of your faces when you were tending to his cheek. And why was he looking at you like that? Oh right-- you told him to. You instinctively moved back.
The sides of Miguel's mouth arched, giving a really sweet and charming smile that always melted your heart. "Thanks. I'm Miguel Rivera." he held out his hand for you to shake. (Great, first close face-to-face, second that darn smile, and now hand-holding... Your mind is on the brink of shutting down)
"Ah, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). This is Arturo, my magpie friend. Sorry for canon-balling into you... " you replied nervously as you accepted the handshake.
"It's fine, really! But more importantly..." Miguel shifted his gaze to the guitar that laid beside them. Man needed answers.
You told him what you overheard and the events that unfolded afterwards. You hoped that as absurd as it may sound, he would believe you.
"Well... Now that I think about it, that caballero (gentleman) wasn't really the nicest. And you...seem too kind to be a guitar theif? Hmm... what were you doing up the tree?"
"Ah, I'm an artist...I enjoy capturing moments that happen in the plaza on paper. And the top of the tree is the best place to view of the plaza!" you chirped.
"Oh! Then, could I see some of your art?"
Uh oh. You couldn't let him see your sketchbook. After all... All of your drawings are just him. He's gonna think you're some insane stalker. (Technically speaking, you were, in some way.)
"I uh... I can't- But even so! Please believe me!! I really really love listening to you play, I'd never ever want to take your guitar away from you!"
The genuine spark in your eyes as you proclaimed your love for his music left Miguel a bit stunned, but he was noticeably happy about it as he got all smiley and fidgety.
"Alright alright, haha, I believe you. Thank you both for saving my guitar, and also tending to my cheek!" Miguel rose up, and so did you.
"I have to go now!! Mi familia is probably getting worried by now... Hope I'll see you both again soon!" You both exchanged goodbyes. Miguel turned his back, ready to leave, when he suddenly paused and faced you again. "Um.. By the way..." he smiled sheepishly. "You're... Really pretty."

Miguel left the scene, leaving you standing there dumbfounded with Arturo on your shoulder trying to bring you back to reality. He called you WHAT??? You couldn't help but remember the moment when you told him to focus on your face and also the short distance between you both. Your face was completely flushed and you were screaming internally. Goodbye, a good night of sleep!
Meanwhile... Miguel felt lucky that the injury was on his cheek. Or else, the redness of it when he looked at you would have been so obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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