Chapter: 6

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(Backstory: Tracee and Adriane meets Aldis while they are out to eat, and he introduces himself. The next day they start the first day of shooting and it was a good first day. Tracee had to go home, when Aria called her freaked out when she got her period.)

(Start scene: It was late that evening when they all was settled in for the day. Tracee and Anthony was downstairs on the sofa cuddled up. She had one of her legs over his and one arm draped over his chest, as his hand rest on her ass.)

Tracee: How was golfing with Nate?

Anthony: The boy has a lot to learn, let me just say that.

Tracee: (laughs) Well bae maybe he's not that into it.

Anthony: Well I don't need him wasting my time.

Tracee: (kiss his cheek) I have to go back tomorrow.

Anthony: I know, really didn't want to think about that.

Tracee: Just eight more weeks and then I'm back.

(He leans down and kiss her.)

Anthony: Maybe we should get that last round in before you go.

Tracee: (flirts) Just tell me where and when.

(She pulls his face down and they start kissing passionately. Ten minutes into them making out, they are rudely interrupted.)

Aria: Ewww, have you guys even come up for air.

(Anthony breaks the kiss and gives Aria a dirty look.)

Anthony: Do you always have to ruin a hood moment?

Aria: It's the living room, your bedroom is upstairs.

Tracee: What is it Aria?

Aria: I can't find my money.

Anthony: What money, you have no job.

Aria: No, but I've been saving the money I've been getting.

Tracee: Ok sweetie how much is missing?

Aria: Five hundred dollars!

Anthony: Damn!

Tracee: Anthony not now, Aria when was the last time you saw your money.

Aria: The day before when I went to the diner with Amy.

Tracee: You sure you didn't lose it?

Aria: Yes I'm sure mom.

Anthony: Well who could have taken it?

(They both look at him and he jumps to his son defense.)

Anthony: No way Nate took your money.

Aria: Who else been here?

Tracee: Ok before we jump to conclusions, you sure you didn't place it somewhere in your room.

Aria: Yes, he took it.

Anthony: You can't just accuse him of stealing it, let me call him.

(Anthony takes out his cell and did Nate number. It rings five times before he finally picks up.)

Nate: Hey pops.

Anthony: Hey son.

Nate: What's up?

Anthony: I have a question to ask you?

Nate: Ok!

Anthony: While you were here did you go into Aria room by my chance?

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