Chapter: 18

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(Backstory: Aria starts to act out again after her parents made her stop seeing Q. She starts ignoring her mother, not talking to her, and being very disrespectful. One night while Tracee was sleeping, Aria decides that she's over her family and run away. Tracee wakes up thinking her daughter was sleeping only to find her gone.)

(It's been two days since Aria ran away and her parents was going crazy. Anthony and Kayla had decided to stay with Tracee so in case something happens they are together. Tracee family all gathered at her house everyday to try and help with something. Arias picture was broadcasted all over the news. People was reaching out wanting to help or praying for her safe return.)

(Start scene: Tracee was in bed where she had been not able to get out of bed. She hasn't eaten since Aria left and everyone is concerned. Her family was going to stop by later to check on them and to see if they heard anything. She was in bed when Kayla makes her way up and into her room. She peeps in and watches her for a second before she walks up to her bed.)

Kayla: Hi!

Tracee: (looks at her) Hello!

Kayla: Your sad?

Tracee: Yeah, I'm sad.

Kayla: You Ri Ri mommy?

Tracee: Yes!

Kayla: I have no mommy, just daddy now and Ri Ri.

Tracee: I'm sorry.

Kayla: (looks at her) Can I come up there with you?

(Tracee caught of guard.)

Tracee: Umm sure!

(Kayla smiles and grabs the comforter as Tracee helps her up. She pulls the covers back as she settles down under them. She snuggles under Tracee and smiles up at her. Tracee feeling very emotional at the moment blinks her eyes to make the tears go away.)

Kayla: When will Ri Ri come home?

Tracee: (chokes up) She will be home soon.

Kayla: Ok!

(They lay there for a minute before Anthony comes up to look for Kayla. He walks by Tracee door and stops and see them in bed talking.)

Anthony: Kay what are you doing?

Kayla: RiRi mommy is sad, so I'm making her better.

Anthony: I told you to tell her breakfast was ready, no get in her bed.

Tracee: It's fine Anthony, I could use the company.

Anthony: I'm sorry, she's just like to see people happy.

Tracee: Anthony it's ok.

Anthony: (looks at her) I cooked, and I know you've barely eaten so.

Tracee: I'm not hungry.

Anthony: T you have to Ernst something, please if not for me then do it for Ri.

Tracee: (lip quivers) Any news yet?

Anthony: No, but their still looking.

(Tracee nod and wipe her eyes, she then sits up.)

Tracee: I'll be down in a minute.

Anthony: Ok, come on Kay let's go get up so we can eat ok.

Kayla: Is Ms. Tracee coming?

Anthony: Not if you don't get out the bed and come with me.

Kayla: Ok!

(To Tracee surprise she feels a small kiss on her cheek and turns seeing a smile and bright eyes.)

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