~Chapter 3~

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Dear diary,
It's Avery... he did teach me a lesson, a shitty one to be exact. Why can't I put an end to the abuse. I'm a shitty mum, Aimee wouldn't think so but Jake does. It doesn't bother me.. I mean Jake is a drunk asshole. Nobody needs that in their life. Aimee is asleep with a full tummy. Jake is going to be home within 5 minutes to 5 hours. I wonder if he didn't drink the whole
time? I don't care anyway. Great he's home. Advil, water, and dinner here I come. Fuck this h...he...can..do it h himse- never mind he would probably beat me. I got it all done. He's in the house. He's screaming. "AVERY GET OUT HERE BABE I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING." I went out because he sounded half way decent. "Avery can we talk..." I said yes. "I want a son... can we adopt?" I said we will think about that. I really meant yes but I need to keep Aimee and him (the possible new son) safe from Jake when he feels like hitting us. Maybe I could just leave with the kids to my mom. I don't know...
Should I adopt a boy?
Avery Holmes

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