i. i want to be in a teenage coming-of-age film so badly

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Author's Note: I actually wrote this is in the middle of a January night while listening to music from M83... I think this was one of the "experiments" I was doing with my writing where I'd listen to a certain song and free write about whatever emotion that song was making me feel, and I came up with this. Fun fact, I actually proceeded to post this on my close friends' Instagram story the next day, and my friend responded to it saying that it made him cry lol.

And while this is a poetry book, I don't think this would technically be considered poetry, but I guess it does give off poetry vibes??? I just wanted to post something anyways, because why not?


Listening to music from M83 makes me want to be in a teenage coming-of-age film so badly, but not really like the ones right now where the teenagers have a really strong presence on social media, and they care about followers and how many likes their posts got, and how they're all struggling popular teens and stuff and centered around how the girl can't get over the guy just because he's cute and strong and buff even though he's completely toxic, but the ones where the teenagers are presented as more of the outcasts. Like, similar to "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" or "Dead Poets Society" almost. Where the teenagers are newly discovering themselves along with their group of friends, and they're also pretty socially awkward too, and they're making mistakes, and they're perhaps even trying alcohol at parties, but that's understandable because they're teenagers and they're going to make these dumb decisions before leaving high school and entering life and the real world.

The ones where the teenagers just act like kids and do dumb and stupid stuff when they really should be worried about what comes next after high school, but none of that is important to them right now because right now they are currently running through piles of leaves. Even jumping into them. They are running through empty parks at nighttime while the breeze tousles through their hair and clothes. They are rolling down steep, grassy hills and get dizzy once they reach the bottom. Maybe at some point, they'll start singing songs to each other or begin quoting poetry from their favorite poets. Perhaps they are even making car rides at midnight on the quiet road, and one of them decides to crawl to the back of the fucking truck to stand on top of the cargo bed and just blissfully bask in the wind, the smell of the night air, and feel the slight bumps in the road while also doing so. But at least they feel infinite.

Because this is the last chance they'll ever get at being kids, so why not make every moment count?

And while doing so, they also discover the joys of friendship, and perhaps first love and heartbreaks, and music, and passion, and themselves, and so many more life lessons. And perhaps they'll be discovering all this while running around in sweater vests and trench coats and tweed or tailored pants, and HOLY ABSOLUTELY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT do I want to be in a teenage coming-of-age film so fucking badly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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