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Pov: Aria Hernandez

"This apartment smells like shit" I say waving my hand infront of my nose.

I walk inside putting my suitcase down right next to me while I look around the dark and gloomy room, the couch looked broken and moldy while the wood floors are brown and stained.

I sigh deeply "I need to clean this place up" I say trying to turn on the light, "of course the lights don't fucking work, now I have to go to the store." I grab my purse and walk out the door making sure to lock it, I walk down the stairs and into the parking lot.

I get in my car putting my purse down in the passenger seat, I buckle my seat belt and turn on my car. I drive out of my apartment parking lot and onto the highway. I start blasting "Swim by Chase Atlantic", "I'm swimming yeah~". I sing swaying my hips a bit feeling the beat. After a couple of minutes I see a target so I switch into the left lane to turn, once I pull into the parking lot backing into a spot I turn off my car and I undo my seat belt opening my door making sure to grab my purse.

I get inside and grab some light bulbs, towels, floor cleaner, a candle, three dresses, and skincare products I don't need. I get up to self checkout and pay for all my stuff and head back to my car. I buckle my seat belt and get back on the road driving back to my apartment. Once I reach I park and grab all my bags walking back up the flight of stairs, I take out my key and put all the bags in the living room, I go lock the door and start cleaning and replacing all the broken lights.


I finish everything in six hours with only four hours of sleep I start to feel a bit sleepy so I walk into my bedroom and hop on my bed turning my pillow over so the cold side touches my face But before I can go to sleep I realize that I need to take a shower.

I get up and take off my clothes putting them in a pile by my closet. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the water, I step into the shower enjoying the warm water streaming down my body, the feeling of the water makes me more tired so I finish washing off my body and I step out the shower.

I walk back in my room, and I open my suitcase looking for the most comfortable thing I can wear tonight. I find a large grey shirt and I pair it up with some black shorts, I walk back to my bed and I sink in the coldness of my blanket. I start to think of how my life will turn out making me get chills, as I continue to think the sleep starts to take me and I finally fall asleep peacefully.


I start to wake up slowly but panic arises in me when I hear something in my room making me jump up on my bed, I look next to my bed and I see a small white cat trying to get up on my bed making me smile.

"Hi pretty boy" I say carefully reaching my hand out to the cat, it leans into my touch and meows, I get off my bed and I open my door stepping into my living room/kitchen, 'This is depressing as fuck,' I think to myself.

I walk back into my room and I open my bathroom door, I pull down my shorts and underwear to pee, when I sit down on the toilet I look at my underwear,


'Fuck, why today'

I mentally groan and I get off the toilet and I open the cabinets under the sink, I see three dead cockroaches and a bag with something brown and stinky in it. I gag and slam the doors shut, I walk out my room and into the living room, I open my suitcase and I grab a soft pair of Calvin Klein underwear plus a tampon, 'I really need to get some more stuff," I think to myself with a sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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