Eleven's Hour Is Over Now

12 0 0

The clock is striking 12. The Doctor is nearing the end of his 11th life. There's nothing he can do about it. He doesn't want it, and neither does his current companion, Clara Oswin Oswald, the Impossible Girl.

The Doctor and Clara are in the TARDIS, the bow tie drops to the floor, Clara weeps, praying that it doesn't happen. The Doctor practically snaps into his next face, the face of an old man.

Wait. What if it went differently? Let's try that over...

The Doctor practically snaps into his next face, the face of a woman in her mid twenties, although of course this woman is a lot older than that. A look of great confusion grows on Clara's face.

"Nose? Yes! Eyes... TWO! Legs good, arms here, hair is-" The Doctor pauses for a minute. "Hair..." His, or should I say her, hands run through her hair, her now very long hair, all the way down until it ends at about halfway in between the shoulder and the elbow. "Long, LONG HAIR!"

Clara runs to the other side of the console room, dodging the new female Doctor as she runs around amazed by her hair.

"I'M GINGER!" The Doctor exclaims. "I've always wanted to be ginger." She brings out a mirror to look at herself.

Clara, still confused, walks up to the Doctor, "You're a woman!"

"Oh yes! And you know what that means?" The Doctor questions his companion. She sees the puzzled look on Clara's face.

"No. Of course you don't. You don't know anything," she remembers "This means a new wardrobe!"

A/N: So what did you think? Are you interested to find out what will happen? I know it's probably not super good, but I'm quite proud of this (I guess mostly because I wrote it in a short period of time). I'll probably have chapter 2 out soon, by the end of the weekend at the most. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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