Chapter 9 - Mismatch

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Akshara stood at the counter, fiddling around with the coffee machine as she toiled her active wear. Closing her eyes, she tried to calm down her racing heart.

What the hell was she doing?

What had happened was wrong.

He was practically a married man.

How dare she?

How could she stoop so low?

How could she even entertain the idea?

She had to distance herself from him. This was dangerous now.

She scrunched her eyes up tight.... but all she could remember was his glistening eyes as he leaned in. Her heart hurt.

When she first met Abhimanyu, his eyes appeared hollow and broken. It hurt her to no end to know that the man she was in love with was somewhere suffering. So she had wanted to stay near him, bring him small happiness in his day. She knew she had no right but she could not help it.

And then today, she had seen a glimpse of hope.

A glimpse of sunlight.

And she had gotten too caught up.

Overstepped her boundary.

It didn't belong to her.

It belonged to one person.

Radhika stepped into the kitchen to see Akshara deep in thought as she stared at the machine. Shaking her head, Radhika walked towards her.

"Akshara..." she smiled gently, "it is nice to catch up with you again"

Akshara came out of her reverie as she noted who was next to her and gave her a nervous and small smile back, "you too ma'am, can I get you anything?"

Radhika shook her head, "no- no and you can call me Radhika, after all - we are friends right?"

Akshara gave her a gentle smile and a nod, Radhika looked around and spotted the pod of couches that the tea room had.

"Will you come sit with me for a few minutes?" Radhika asked her. Akshara looked over to the other side.

"Woh Ma-am, I mean Radhika.. there is a lot of work... I don't-" Akshara began, making eye contact with anyone but her.

How was she supposed to face the lady whose fiancee she had fallen irrevocably in love with? In fact, had been in love with him for the past six years. Shaking her head, she felt her breathing go up.

Guilt pulsated through her as she remembered the position she had been in just moments ago, she had almost ruined someone's life. Overstepped too much.

"Oh I am just nervous about the wedding, I was hoping I could talk to you..." Radhika said, disappointment evident in her voice. "Actually you know everything about his likes and dislikes... and I don't know anything"

Akshara felt her stomach lurch. Here Radhika was trying to be nice. She could not avoid her.

Akshara remain quiet and nodded.

They walked over to the couch.

"What would you like to know?" Akshara asked politely, she remained poised as she took in the lady sitting opposite her.

Radhika was surely every man's dream. She was intelligent, successful, confident, and looked like an absolute model. In fact, Akshara would not be surprised if she was not a model. On top of all of that, she was classy! The woman held herself with such grace.

Akshara wanted to dislike her.

She really did.

But she could not.

Because in the cutthroat world Abhimanyu and Radhika lived in, she knew Radhika's heart was clean.

Her own heart gave in as pain enveloped her body.

They were a perfect match.

Radhika smiled at the young girl, "tell me about his daily routine... and then his likes and dislikes... his pet peeves.. you know that kind of stuff".

Akshara nodded taking a deep breath, where to begin? There was so much. But if this was the lady that was going to take care of Abhimanyu, then she should know it all.

Akshara began her list.

Starting from his daily routine... his likes/dislikes... his preferences.. his restaurant orders... the small things he did that indicated what he was thinking. She knew it all. She paid particular attention to all the small details emphasising them because it was important and often overlooked, he deserved the best. And she chuckled at the memories as she slowly listed them.

"... And he likes everything very organised... Sir can't stand mess... He has particular colours he likes to wear on certain days..." Akshara continued and then she stopped, observing that Radhika was lost in a trance.

"Ma'am...?" Akshara asked slowly, inspecting her look "Sorry I know it is a lot... we can go through it slowly if you want or I can even pen it down for you..."

Radhika chuckled as she looked at her, she shook her head.

She leaned in and pressed her palm against Akshara's cheek in a loving manner.

"It's Radhika, not ma'am.... and even if I wanted to... I don't think I could learn all of this..." she smiled at her genuinely.

Akshara looked at her confused, her eyebrows scrunched. What did she mean? She would not learn it for Abhimanyu?

"We can go through it agai-" Akshara began.

And Radhika dropped her palm and shook her head, "No Akshara.. even if we did, I fear I am not the best match for him"

Akshara began to panic, standing up.

"What do you mean?... aap to itni achi hain..." Akshara said to her fiddling around with her fingers, a nervous habit. "And you are so successful as well - so hard-working, intelligent, and confident! And beautiful! Everything a woman would look up to... you are really his match... you guys are perfect together" Akshara smiled at her, convincing her own heart.

Radhika stood up, sighing at her as she shook her head.

"Some day you will understand... and I hope that day the light won't be let in too late" she smiled at her, grabbing her purse.

And then she gave Akshara a look.

"Goodbye Akshara"

10 PM Australia time, here's your chapter. <3

I will be going on a holiday tomorrow but will try and update in the morning... and then next update will be in one week, sorry!

Also, I have once again found myself in the world of Twitter lol... should I delete the app again? So much toxicity about the show on there!

Spreading love to you all.

N x

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