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Golden decorations lit up the large venue, covered in glitter and glam as the high ceilings lit up the entire room with hues of yellow and gold. There must have been over a thousand people that were gathered in the room. Some had taken their seats in front of the large main stage, others were occupying themselves with food that was being served, and some were busy mingling with others as they waited patiently for the function to commence.

Of course, nothing less could be expected for Nishta Birla's engagement ceremony!

Akshara smiled proudly at her sister-in-law of two years as she held her right arm and helped descend her down the golden staircase so that the floor could welcome her entrance.

Before she could take the last step down, Akshara quickly rubbed the kohl of her liner and pressed it behind Nishta's ear.

"You look beautiful Nish" she smiled tearfully at the girl who had become a sister to her.

"Bhabhi...you'll make me cry," Nishta said softly, bringing Akshara in for an embrace "Thank you for helping me get ready and for being here for me... I could not have gotten through this wedding stuff without you...you are truly the best gift bhaiya has ever given me"

Akshara smiled at her, caressing her cheek in a sisterly manner. "Go have fun! Your fiancee is oogling at you" she said pointing at the handsome man known as Dr. Rohan across the room amongst the thousands of guests that were taken aback by the entrance. Nishta blushed as Rohan came to her side a second later.

Akshara smiled, satisfied at the duo as her heart burst into excitement for them. Who said love marriages weren't accepted in the Birla family? Seemed like she and Abhimanyu had set a new trend because only a year after their marriage, Nishta had confessed about her long-term relationship with a cardiologist named Dr. Rohan. And even more unexpected to everyone was the approval that Harshvardhan and Manjari quickly gave, they had certainly come around!

Akshara felt her own self being enveloped into warm motherly hands a second later as she smiled, "Ma". Manjari caressed her head a second later and smiled warmly at her.

"Beta... we need to protect you from evil eyes too!" she proclaimed, quickly rubbing her own kohl liner and pressing it behind Akshara's ear. "Everyone keeps saying how incredible my Akshara is and I need to pry their looks from you!"

Akshara smiled her infamous toothy grin at her which had certainly captured the attention of every Birla member possible.

"Have you had something to eat Akshu? What about to drink? You've been so busy with prep beta... tell me what you want, if it's not here I can order it for you also" Manjari enquired frantically a second later cupping her cheek.

Akshara glanced at her Mother-In-Law with tears in her eyes. If someone had told her more than two years ago, nervously standing on the doorstep of Birla Mansion, that Manjari would have become so protective of her, she would've been shocked. But this was the bond they had developed, spending time together, joking around together, opening up to each other... they had become so close. And somewhere Akshara felt that Manjari lived her youth through Akshara's eyes as she too broke through the norms of what was expected of her. And Akshara finally received the Motherly love she had wanted all these years.

"Ma..." Akshara smiled wrapping the lady into another hug "stop worrying Ma... am perfectly fine... and you think your son would leave me unfed? He has brought me at least five plates of food since the time I have been here"

Manjari chuckled, smiling satisfied and Akshara wondered that if her mother-in-law was like this normally, then how would she react when she found out the news?

And at the mention of Abhimanyu, the man stepped in wearing a black tuxedo and looking so handsome too with his new overgrown stubble look. Akshara felt her stomach do cartwheels just looking at him. Two years and this feeling only got stronger... the need to be with him, want him, hold him. When would it change? Probably never, she had come to terms with it.

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