Part 1

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Michael works for an electronics manufacturer called Electronic Technical Company Limited (ETCL) in Dar es Salaam. In 2014, he was officially hired by this company. He is now in his 10th year with the company. He works hard, is diligent, and works hard. In accordance with his loyalty, he was given the position of overseeing his colleagues to ensure everything is going well.

Michael lives with his wife Anastasia. Their marriage is now five years old, they love each other very much and live in peace and love.But so far they do not have a single child. His brother and Michael complain that they have been living with a woman for years and have no children. You should just break up and find another child.

And his brother and Michael's wife are also complaining. I wish I could just marry another man and have a baby.
However, Michael told his wife that having children was God's plan. I didn't have a child, so let's continue, the day when we can have a child will come. Anastasia accepts her husband's words. Her life goes on. They live on in peace and love.

Michael told his wife today that I want to go swimming in the ocean at 10pm. Are you ready? His wife said yes I'm already there. I also like swimming in the sea.

At 10pm they went swimming in the sea. They were happy to be together and spend a lot of time together. After swimming, they went home and continued with other tasks. 

Michael has agreed to go swimming in the ocean with his wife if he quits his job and comes home at 10pm. 
This process continued daily as agreed. One day, when he reached the sea, Michael changed his swimming style. He always swims with his wife. But that day he left his wife in the shallows. 

He went swimming in the deep sea far away from his wife. When he got there, he saw a long object that changed color, sometimes green, sometimes blue, and immediately followed him. Michael responded by returning to the beach to save his life, but before he got there the monster attacked and entered his body.

Michael emerged from the sea and sat quietly on a rock on the beach. His wife came out and saw Michael upset and angry. Worse, he's dumb. She sat next to him and asked why he was suddenly angry and what was the matter. 

Michael went silent. Anastasia asked him to tell her why he was silent and what the problem was.
Michael, let's go home now!
Anastasia wondered why she had to go because the time had not yet come for them. Michael answered curtly.

Anastasia did not answer again. She never answered again, they got in the car and drove home.

At 7am Anastasia went to the kitchen to do her cooking. At that time, Michael entered the store to see if everything was okay. Suddenly he saw a large creature in the shape of a woman whose color had changed just like the one he had seen in the sea.
He heard Her calling his name: Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael. Michael sat quietly and listened intently. 

The creature said: 
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. My name is Gini Pweza. I come from the sea I am his third child in our family. I am a woman with true love. I love and respect everyone and want to help in any way I can. 
In fact, I have never had a human lover. If you agree, it's a first for me. You look very nice, Michael. He's good-looking, good-natured, good-natured. Michael, I love you so much that when I saw you at sea, I entered your body so that we could be together. I chose you to be my lover. 

We want to love each other, live together, and accomplish many good things together. If you accept my request, you are luckier than others. And if you refuse my request, you have lost your property through your own fault. The act of telling you that I love you knowing that you are very happy. Few people are so lucky. Now is your chance, so please look forward to it.

I have many good goals for you. I am here to give you the pleasure that no woman on earth has ever given you. My goal is to become the richest person in the world. I mean, I want to give you wealth. This is a sign of my love for you. Please believe what I am telling you is true. For your own benefit, please accept my request. If you accept my request, I promise to do the following for you:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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