Closed Doors - Eustass Kid x Fem Reader

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Kid grabs you by the arm and pulls you out of the club. You're not sure why he's mad, you just know that he is. The grip on your arm doesn't hurt, but it's strong and there's something about how he's acting that's making you nervous. There's only been a few times that he's made you feel nervous and for the most part he wasn't angry, he was scared.

"Kid, what's wrong?" You manage to ask as you cross the parking lot toward Victoria.

He brings you around, pinning you against the car's door. There's a fire in his eyes and the tilt of his grin is more sardonic than playful. You're not sure if you should be concerned or turned on.

"Flirting with other guys right in front of me like that, eh Mouse? Pretty ballsy." His grin sends a shiver through you and you feel your stomach drop. Apparently you had settled on being concerned and turned on.

"I wasn't -." Your words are cut short as he tugs the collar of your top aside and practically bites your neck. You cry out pleasure and surprise into the night air, holding onto him even as your knees start to shake.

Eustass Kid could be impossibly gentle when he wanted to be. Even though his fighting style and manner were more Bruiser and Barbarian, Eustass himself was surprisingly elegant. Those stark differences were thanks to his attention to the fine details. From tinkerer to roboticist to fighter to captain, Eustass Kid was analyzing things to a degree people rarely gave him credit for.

Some of his lessons were hard ones - like when he lost his arm, but most of his trial and error was under more controlled conditions. Like when he spent nearly six hours one day exploring your body and exhausting you into a boneless pile of pleasure by the end of it.

That skill set was what also allowed him to walk the very limits of your pain tolerance while still pushing pleasure into your body.

"You make these whore noises for me, Mouse, not for anyone else." There was a dangerous edge to the hot words that spilled from him, but you weren't afraid. You weren't even angry, admittedly. A little confused, but hearing him talk so dirty that you could feel the grit of the words against your skin was unexpectedly hot.

"I - I didn't make any noises for anyone in the- mmhumrph!" His rough kiss cuts off your words and you hear the locks pop on the car. His hand holds your face where he wants it and his tongue steals your breath and words. Moans of pleasure turn into concerned whimpers as you struggle to breathe. He breaks the kiss just before you had considered kneeing him to give yourself a reprieve.

"Kid - I..." you gasp for air, you don't know what has him wound so tightly.

"Get in the car." He growls, and you do. You imagine he means to take you home, where you can sort out whatever is going on, but he follows you into Victoria's back seat.

Before you can ask him what's going on he lifts you into his lap, your back to his chest, his prosthetic hand - the big hydraulic metal one he usually wears in public - cupping your face with surprising, but immovable, care. Your arms are at your sides, when Kid moves you as he pleases it's best to just let him. There are better times to struggle, but you trust he won't hurt you while you're working through whatever this is.

"You're mine, Mouse." He growls his right hand parting your legs to either side of his before his hand grabs the inside of your thigh.

"I am," you see no reason to argue the point. Your skirt - the one he had asked you to wear - was already hiked up to your waist. Your lacy panties were meant to be a surprise for him for later, but the crotchless design was about to be found out. "I wasn't flirting - I w-wouldn't with anyone but you."

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