Chapter 4: Get Up.

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   Chapter 4: Get Up.

Nothing happens. Javert pulls the trigger again. Nothing happens. "What?!" Javert yells.

No bullets?! How could a man so smart forget to put a bullet in his gun? Javert freezes as a sudden realization occurs in his mind: He is weaponless in front of a stronger man whom he just tried to kill. Valjean gets this realization as well. Valjean looks him dead in the eyes as he begins to stand slowly. To Javert, the alley just got darker. Valjean's soulless gaze has Javert, still kneeling, frozen in fear. Jean Valjean towers over the weaker man. Javert has never felt so small. Valjean's eyebrows lowered. In a voice deeper and gruffer than he had ever used before, he growled: "Get up."

Javert's eyes struggle to look at Valjean's, but once they reach their destination, he once again freezes. "I said: get up." The stronger man repeats gruffly. When Javert's fear-stricken body does not oblige for the second time, Valjean has had enough. Using little strength, he grabs the kneeling man by the collar and forces him to his feet. Javert accidentally whines because of the sudden jolt, immediately after that, he silences, awaiting what Valjean will say...or do to him. Although they are both standing, Valjean is still taller. The smaller man starts shaking, realizing he is without a source of protection, and Valjean's surprising wrath seems to be at full force. Javert thinks fast, pulling out a pair of handcuffs looped to his belt, a sudden jolt of determination in his eyes. Javert quickly lays a punch to Valjean's gut, making the man double over in a wheeze. Javert cackles and presses the handcuffs on one of Valjean's large wrists, thinking he has won. But before Javert could trap Valjean's other wrist, Valjean quickly seizes Javert's hand, the one holding the handcuffs, and rips the cuffs from his grasp. Valjean lets out a deep chuckle as he imprisons Javert's wrist, bonding the men together with a single chain. It all happened so fast. Javert's mind can't process that he is now the trapped one.

"Come with me now," Valjean says in a tone that makes it clear he is not asking. He jerks the cuffs firmly, making Javert's arms jerk forward with them. Valjean then steals the handcuff keys from the trapped man's coat pocket, making him the only one who can free them. He puts it away in his own pocket. Valjean grabs Javert's arm roughly and starts walking toward his own house. Luckily, Valjean's house is closer to this place than he previously was when he was strolling.

"You sir!" Valjean asks a nearby man to take his new horse. The man is slightly stunned but very grateful for his new steed. Valjean continues walking home with a determined look on his face and a nervous Javert by his side. What is going to happen? Valjean is a good man... but how good can a man truly be to the person who tried to kill him...twice? Surely I am done for. Javert thinks to himself, growing more and more afraid with every step.

Minutes later, the men reach their destination. Right beside Valjean's large home is a large basement bulkhead (a basement trap door). No one is around to see the men. Valjean, using his free hand, grabs the hatch handle and opens it, revealing an old, dimly-lit staircase leading downwards. "Follow me." He states bluntly as he steps onto the stone stairs. Javert is forced to follow and once they are far enough down, Valjean closes the horizontal doors. Now in almost complete darkness, Valjean picks up a nearby grease lantern from its spot in the wall and lights it, plastering the dungeon-esque stairway with dim yellow light. Javert hasn't said anything for

a long time. He is too busy foreboding all of the horrible things that will happen to him here. His whereabouts are now only known by his worst enemy. What has happened to his henchmen? Surely they haven't abandoned him...well... that actually is a very probable possibility considering how badly he treated them.

Javert has no idea what is to come of him. The world started slowing as his mind started racing with horrible possibilities. When they reached the bottom of the stairs which felt like forever to Javert- Valjean turned a corner, revealing a small dungeon. The dungeon was empty, for it was created before the city's official jail and was no longer in use. Valjean possesses one of the only houses with a dungeon because he is the Maire, granting him the power to have it.

Taking a key conveniently placed under an old rug, Valjean unlocks the iron-barred dungeon door and opens it. He then takes the handcuff key out of his breast pocket and frees himself from Javert. He then unlocks the one attached to Javert's wrist. As he does so, he tightens his grip on Javert so as to not let the unchained man have a chance of escape. Valjean tosses the now-unneeded handcuffs onto the stairs, his strong grip now being the only thing keeping Javert in place. Javert looks into Valjean's unforgiving eyes in search of what he is going to do, and with that, Valjean shoves Javert into the dungeon, the man hurling to the dirty, cold ground so suddenly that he exhales all of the air in his lungs.

Valjean closes the door and locks it. Javert, still on the floor, turns his head to meet his captor. "What are you going to do to me?" He asks; the question he has been desperately pondering is finally out in the open. Valjean peers through the bars at Jaljean's shadowed face. A moment passes. "Wait here." Valjean sarcastically smirks. Javert's face sneers in disappointment; he is not amused. He knows he cannot go anywhere. Valjean goes back up the stairs and exits the dungeon, leaving Javert alone and confused.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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