1 | Leana receives a big question

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"He said to them: And you, who do you say that I am?"
Matthew 16:15

━━  Of all the things that concerned me in this life, God was not one of them. Usually, I'm afraid of things that change and He never does. Therefore, I hope that his will be fulfilled in me and that this story that I am about to share will guide you in your search for the ways of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The history of the Aitken family on this earth begins on November 22, 1973, with the birth of Camden Phillip Aitken. But the story of the Aitken family in Pledisburg begins here: on April 15, 2023, with a double-minded question asked to the youngest of the Aitken daughters: 

"What do you think of God?"

Natalie Boyle was a decent girl. She would walk through the town in her demure dresses and greet the merchants with a sincere and discreet smile, as was the custom in her self-righteous family. However, the Aitken sisters did not agree that Leana had chosen Miss Boyle as her best friend and confidante, since Natalie did not believe in God and she couldn't understand why Leana did.

"What do you say, Natalie?"

"What do you think of God?", Natalie repeated the question expectantly.

"Well, it's impossible for me to find the words to express the amount of ideas that go through my head when you ask that question".

"You sound like someone who doesn't know what to say."

" And how is that?"

"Sort of like your sister".

"Davina has a very human tendency to look out for justifications".

"And she's very good at it", Natalie made a sharp turn when she reached the door of her three-story cabin and brushed the dry leaves that had fallen on her elegant hat, "You know I have five minutes to get home as soon as the loose board warned mom that I arrived."

"I know".

"Think about my question, Leana. And think of something intelligent to say, not something leanal", she said goodbye with a quick kiss on the cheek and entered the cabin.

That comment bothered her. Leanal is an apt word that perfectly describes someone who says too much and thinks too little—just like Leana did. My dear little sister—by two minutes—was quite a naive young woman. Countless times she got into trouble for trusting the wrong people and not speaking up when she should. She was sensitive and pragmatic, overthinking things and very fearful of what they would think of her. Being more specific, Leana didn't want to be known as an ignorant person.

And this was all that Leana could think of to answer: "I don't know".

"I don't know?"

"I don't know!"

Elsbeth crossed her arms, with that challenging look that helped you understand that you had disappointed her.

"Shut up, you're scaring the baby.", I took Leana's red head in my arms and pulled her to my chest, cradling her.

"She is twenty years old and mature, I want to believe enough, to face her problems".

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