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*Corbyn POV*

"Yes, Cassidy Besson, she delivered our baby not long ago."

"Yeah, that's what I keep saying, Breanna Foster, she gave birth to our baby girl."

"My wife, Cassidy Besson, she gave birth to our daughter."

Zach, Daniel and Jack have been calling hospitals all around New York, and the surrounding area, trying to find what hospital Cassidy had our daughter in, after we got a third photo, this morning.

The photo, is of Cassidy in a hospital bed, holding our new born daughter. Cassidy looks pale and broken, she looks thin, with her face sunken in. I'm worried she had some complications during delivery, but I'm a little more worried about the man in the photo, sitting to her right.

The man sitting in a black hoodie, makes my stomach turn. Although she isn't looking towards the man, and her smiling face is aimed at our daughter, I can't help but imagine that he's glaring at her, that maybe he had just threatened her.

Even though Cassidy is smiling, I can still see the tears so clearly streaming down her face.

"Yes, Cassidy Besson, just had a baby girl." All attention turns to Zach as he slaps my arm, before pulling his phone from his ear.

Daniel and Jack hang up their phone calls, and we all get together around Zach's phone as he puts it on speaker.

We're all gathered in my hotel room, trying to gather as much information as we can. I can't just sit around waiting for new information to come up from Adell, or more fucking pictures.

"Can I ask how you're in relation to Mrs. Besson?" The woman's soft voice comes through the speaker

"I'm her husband. Is she there, at the hospital right now?" Zach's voice comes out frantic as he pretends to be me

"No sir. She was released a few hours ago." Her voice shakes, almost seeming scared of Zach. "She had the baby a few days ago, she came in with a gentleman after some complications during her home birth."

I fucking knew it. Just from looking at Cassidy in the photo, I knew something had to of happened during her delivery. I should've fucking been there! She fucking needed me!

"Is my wife and daughter okay? Who did they leave with?" My heart pounds as I keep myself silent, listening to Zach and the woman go back and forth.

"They're perfectly fine, sir. But the gentleman she left with, said he was her fiancé-"

"That's not her fiancé! I'm her fucking husband! She was kidnapped a few weeks ago!" I have to smack Zach on the back of the head as his voice holds more anger than it once did. He can't blow this for us, this is our only lead in finding my family.

"Sir, I don't know what you want me to say." The woman sounds like she's about to burst into tears.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes, have the security footage ready." Zach hangs up the phone and finally looks at me. His face holds anger, but I'm not sure why he's so riled up, but I'm going with it, if it helps me find my family.

"Let's go." Everyone gathers their phone and keys, and we race out the hotel room door, on the way to the hospital.


"I'm Corbyn Besson, we just talked to a nurse here, about some security footage."

Whatever is left of my chewed off fingernails, taps sternly on the front desk of the labour and delivery ward. The young woman, with curly blonde hair and light blue eyes, gulps as her eyes avoid me. The badge attached to her front pocket, reads, 'Nursing Student.'

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