Teen Wolf

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Name: Dylan SummersAge: 16-22 (S1-S6)Gender: MaleSexuality: GaySpecies: Spark

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Name: Dylan Summers
Age: 16-22 (S1-S6)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Spark

Likes: Dancing, singing, hanging out with friends, Meditation

Dislikes: Hunters, Enemies, anything and everything that is a threat to his friends and family.

Hobbies: Meditation, Martial Arts, Playing Guitar, Music.

Occupation: Intern at 505 Magazine (Seasons 1-2), Professional Photojournalist 4-6)

Innate Hand To Hand Combat And Acrobatic Skills (Mixed Martial Arts, Tae Bo, Tai Chi,)
Enhanced Reflexes, Strength, Agility, Durability, Senses, Stamina, accelerated healing.

Passive Powers: Intuition, Premonition, Psychic Echo, Empathy (Used as support powers to help his friends, such as gather information.

Active Powers offense, and defensive purposes:

Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Levitation, Projection, Telekinetic Force/Force Field, Teleportation,

Below is a list of instances/season/or Episode at which point and how his powers progress/used for the first time. If something has been marked TBD = To Be Determined. Which means I have yet to decide on how I'm going to make it work and finding the best moment for each point of progression. He's not supposed to have these powers all at once. They gradually evolve throughout seasons 1-6.

Season 1: Intuition and Premonition.

Discovering a world where werewolves exist, Wyatt dives into research mode and finds out that he comes from a line of witches from his mother's side. He begins to sense things and pick up on things rather quickly almost as if he can predict things.

In the season 1 finale "Code Breaker" Wyatt has his first premonition of Allison shooting Derek with two arrows and proceeds to warn Scott and Derek both though due to uncertainty and Derek's initial disbelief Wyatt tries to stop Allison.

Season 2: Telekinesis

In the season 2 Finale Wyatt nearly gets killed by Gerard though at the last second is able to deviate/deflect his attacks using Telekinesis.

Season 3A: Levitation and Psychic Echo

Levitation: Wyatt used it to dodge an attack during the first encounter with the Nogitsune takes control of Stiles.

Psychic Echo: Begins to feel Stiles' spirit piquing through and attempting to fight through the Nogistune but its faint. Though because of their connection, Wyatt is able to psychically link himself to Stiles as well as telepathic speak with him. It's during these moments that Wyatt admits his feelings for Stiles.

Season 3B: Astral Projection:

In the season 3 Finale, while feeling the need and urgency to be at two places at once, Wyatt astral projects next to his friends fearing that they might die. That is until it is revealed that the attacks are an illusion.

Season 4: Telepathy: TBD

Season 5A: Projection: TBD

Season 5B: Empathy: TBD

Season 6A: Teleportation: TBD

6B: Telekinetic Force/Force-Field: TBD

Teen Wolf Movie: N/A

Family: Kristin Ramsay (Older Paternal Half-Sister)

Crush: Stiles
Backup Crush: Scott

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