The Girl From My Dream

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The story begins with our protagonist Kiara, having a dream. Kiara is having this same dream every night for as long as she could remember. Every night when she closes her eyes she faces this nightmare. It always begins with her riding something that resembles a spaceship. The view outside the ship is very bizarre. Outside the ship is the ultimate darkness one could imagine seeing. Below her ship is what looks like a river of shining material. The ship is flying just above the river. She is short of breath and a little afraid. She is sweating and under a lot of stress. She feels like she is running from someone or something. Before she could make sense of anything, something hits her ship from behind and she wakes up.

Kiara is a 25-year-old girl with light brown hair and black eyes. She is a very beautiful and intelligent girl. Kiara works as a software engineer. If one looks from the outside one will see Kiara as a perfectly normal girl. But one could never guess what's going on behind this outer appearance. Inside her head she always keeps thinking about the dream, trying to figure out what is the dream about. Even though it is just a dream, to her it feels very real, it feels like the incident happened to her.

The thing is, there is all the proof one would require to prove the existence of her like birth certificate, Aadhar card, and some pictures of her visiting different parts of the world. But none of these places seem to be familiar to her. She feels like all of it is fake, fabricated to hide something.

She feels this way because she doesn't remember going to any of those places and taking those pictures. Those places in reality don't even look as they look in those pictures. There is this one picture about which she is particularly baffled. She has a picture of her younger self with a couple. She thinks they might be her parents. The situation is she doesn't remember anything about her parents. Who are they? Or Where are they right now?

The documents she has, mention that she was born and brought up in a city called Udaipur. But when she visited the city, the city was like a stranger to her, there wasn't anything there which was familiar to her. The reality is, she doesn't remember anything from before last two years. Even though Kiara is very friendly, she doesn't spend much time with anyone except her best friend. His name is Rahul. They both spend a lot of time together. They met for the first time a year ago at a chai stall near their office buildings and since then, meeting there in the evening and talking about each other's day, bitching about their colleagues and bosses became a kind of ritual. Both enjoy each other's company a lot.

Rahul, the same age as Kiara, is a tall handsome guy with black hair and brown eyes. Rahul works as an AI researcher at a firm that is into creating futuristic technologies. He has been in love with Kiara ever since the day he first met her but still doesn't want to admit that the feelings he has are more than friendship. There is no clarity yet why he hasn't confessed his feelings to her or himself. It could be that, same as a lot of guys out there that he is scared of losing her as a friend in pursuit of having her as his lover or it could be something way more different.

Rahul got attracted to Kiara because of her beauty but once they talked and he got to know her grounded and humble personality he fell in love with her. Kiara never told Rahul about her dream. She wants to but doesn't have the words which could describe this bizarre dream of hers.

Rahul and Kiara both are highly passionate about their work. They never ditch their work. That's why during the weekdays they only meet once a day for five to ten minutes during their chai break. Otherwise, they are married to their work. After that, they spend all of their weekends enjoying it to the fullest. And what's the better way to enjoy the weekend than to be with someone whose company you enjoy the most? So they are together all the time on weekends.

Unlike all the other youngsters of their age, Rahul and Kiara don't seem to be very much interested in clubbing or partying, or eating pizza and burgers. They both seem to be a little or more different in how they want to spend their weekends. They enjoy having pani- puri or other street food competitions amongst themselves, watching some of their favorite sci-fi movies, battling against each other in video games, dancing to Bollywood songs on the home theatre, and sometimes just sitting and enjoying the view at their secret spot with some chai, of course. The chai is surprisingly the thing that binds them together more than anything else as they both don't like chai, they love it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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